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- García, J.; Martinel, N.; Gardel, A.; Bravo, I.; Foresti, G. L. and Micheloni, C. Modeling feature distances by orientation driven classifiers for person re-identification. In Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 38 (7): 115-129, 2016.BibTex
@Article{GarMarGarBraForMicJVCIR2016, Title = {Modeling feature distances by orientation driven classifiers for person re-identification}, Author = {J. García and N. Martinel and A. Gardel and I. Bravo and G. L. Foresti and C. Micheloni}, Journal = {Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation}, Year = {2016}, Month = {July}, Number = {7}, Pages = {115-129}, Volume = {38}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2016.03.24}
- Martinel, N.; Micheloni, C and Foresti, G.L. A pool of multiple person re-identification experts. In Pattern Recognition Letters, 71 (1): 23-30, 2016.BibTex
@Article{MarMicForPRL2016, Title = {A pool of multiple person re-identification experts}, Author = {N. Martinel and C Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters}, Year = {2016}, Month = {Feb.}, Number = {1}, Pages = {23-30}, Volume = {71}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2016.03.24}
- Martinel, N; Piciarelli., C. and Micheloni, C. Supervised extream learning committee for food recognition. In Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2016.BibTex
@Article{, Title = {Supervised extream learning committee for food recognition}, Author = {N Martinel and C. Piciarelli. and C. Micheloni}, Journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding}, Year = {2016}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2016.03.24}
- Martinel, M.; Das, A.; Micheloni, C. and Roy-Chowdhury, A. Re-Identification in the Function Space of Feature Warps. In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence: 1-1, 2015.
doi.. BibTex@Article{MarAbiMicChoPami2015, Title = {Re-Identification in the Function Space of Feature Warps}, Author = {M. Martinel and A. Das and C. Micheloni and A. Roy-Chowdhury}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, Year = {2015}, Pages = {1--1}, Doi = {10.1109/TPAMI.2014.2377748}, ISSN = {0162-8828}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2015.04.29}, Url = {}, Webpdf = {}
- Martinel, N. and Micheloni, C. Classification of Local Eigen-Dissimilarities for Person Re-Identification. In Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, 22 (4): 455-459, 2015.BibTex
@Article{MarMicSPL2015, Title = {Classification of Local Eigen-Dissimilarities for Person Re-Identification}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni}, Journal = {Signal Processing Letters, IEEE}, Year = {2015}, Month = {April}, Number = {4}, Pages = {455-459}, Volume = {22}
- Martinel, N.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L Kernelized Saliency-based Person Re-Identification through Multiple Metric Learning. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24 (12): 5645-5658, 2015.
BibTex@Article{MarMicForTIP2015, Title = {Kernelized Saliency-based Person Re-Identification through Multiple Metric Learning}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni and G.L Foresti}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, Year = {2015}, Month = {Dec.}, Number = {12}, Pages = {5645-5658}, Volume = {24}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2015.09.25}, Webpdf = {}
- Roy-Chowdhury, A.K.; Kankanhalli, M.; Konrad, J.; Micheloni, C. and Varshney, P. Introduction to the Issue on Signal Processing for Situational Awareness From Networked Sensors and Social Media. In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 9 (2): 201-203, 2015.BibTex
@Article{ChoKhaKonMicPraJSTSP, Title = {Introduction to the Issue on Signal Processing for Situational Awareness From Networked Sensors and Social Media}, Author = {A.K. Roy-Chowdhury and M. Kankanhalli and J. Konrad and C. Micheloni and P. Varshney}, Journal = {IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing}, Year = {2015}, Number = {2}, Pages = {201-203}, Volume = {9}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2015.08.26}
- Martinel, N. and Micheloni, C. Person re-identification by modelling principal component analysis coefficients of image dissimilarities. In Electronic Letters, 50 (14): 1000-1001, 2014.BibTex
@Article{MarMicEL2014, Title = {Person re-identification by modelling principal component analysis coefficients of image dissimilarities}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni}, Journal = {Electronic Letters}, Year = {2014}, Month = {July}, Number = {14}, Pages = {1000-1001}, Volume = {50}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2014.07.14}
- Martinel, , N. and Micheloni, , C. Classification of Local Eigen-Dissimilarities for Person Re-Identification. In IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2014.
BibTex@Article{MarMicSPL2014, Title = {Classification of Local Eigen-Dissimilarities for Person Re-Identification}, Author = {Martinel, Niki and Micheloni, Christian}, Journal = {IEEE Signal Processing Letters}, Year = {2014}, Webpdf = {}
- Martinel, N.; Micheloni, C.; Piciarelli, C. and Foresti, G.L. Camera Selection for Adaptive Human-Computer Interface. In IEEE Transactions of SMC Systems, 44 (5): 653-664, 2014.
BibTex@Article{MarMicPicForSMC2014, Title = {Camera Selection for Adaptive Human-Computer Interface}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions of SMC Systems}, Year = {2014}, Month = {May}, Number = {5}, Pages = {653-664}, Volume = {44}, Webpdf = {}
- SanMiguel, J.C.; Micheloni, C.; Shoop, K.; Foresti, G.L. and Cavallaro, A. Self-reconfigurable smart camera networks. In IEEE Computer, 47 (5): 26-32, 2014.
BibTex@Article{MigMicShoForCavCOMP2014, Title = {Self-reconfigurable smart camera networks}, Author = {J.C. SanMiguel and C. Micheloni and K. Shoop and G.L. Foresti and A. Cavallaro}, Journal = {IEEE Computer}, Year = {2014}, Month = {May}, Number = {5}, Pages = {26-32}, Volume = {47}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2014.03.18}, Webpdf = {}
- Martinel, N.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Robust Painting Recognition and Registration for Mobile Augmented Reality. In Signal Processing Letters, 20 (11): 1022-1025, 2013.
BibTex@Article{MarMicForSPL2013, Title = {Robust Painting Recognition and Registration for Mobile Augmented Reality}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Signal Processing Letters}, Year = {2013}, Month = {Nov}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1022-1025}, Volume = {20}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2013.08.14}, Webpdf = {}
- Piciarelli, C.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Kernel-Based clustering. In Electronic Letters, 49 (2): 113-114, 2013.BibTex
@Article{PicMicForEL2013, Title = {Kernel-Based clustering}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Electronic Letters}, Year = {2013}, Month = {Jan.}, Number = {2}, Pages = {113-114}, Volume = {49}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2013.01.30}
- Rani, A.; Kumar, S.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Incorporating linear discriminant analysis in neural tree for multidimensional splitting. In Applied Soft Computing, 13 (10): 4219-4228, 2013.
BibTex@Article{RanKumMicForASOC2013, Title = {Incorporating linear discriminant analysis in neural tree for multidimensional splitting}, Author = {A. Rani and S. Kumar and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Applied Soft Computing}, Year = {2013}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {10}, Pages = {4219-4228}, Volume = {13}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2013.08.12}, Webpdf = {}
- Kumar, S.; Rani, A.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Application of balanced neural tree for classifying tentative matches in stereo vision. In Optical Engineering, 41 (8), 2012.BibTex
@Article{KumRanMicForOE2012, Title = {Application of balanced neural tree for classifying tentative matches in stereo vision}, Author = {S. Kumar and A. Rani and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Optical Engineering}, Year = {2012}, Month = {August}, Number = {8}, Volume = {41}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2012.09.07}
- Micheloni, C.; Rani, A.; Kumar, S. and Foresti, G.L. A balanced neural tree for pattern classification. In Neural Networks, 27: 81-90, 2012. doi.. BibTex
@Article{MicRanKumForNN2012, Title = {A balanced neural tree for pattern classification}, Author = {C. Micheloni and A. Rani and S. Kumar and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Neural Networks}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {81-90}, Volume = {27}, Doi = {10.1016/j.neunet.2011.10.007}, Owner = {Mike}, Timestamp = {2012.02.09}, Url = {}
- Dieber, B.; Micheloni, C. and Rinner, B. Resource-Aware Coverage and Task Assignment in Visual Sensor Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 21 (10): 1424-1437, 2011.
BibTex@Article{DieMicRinTCSVT11, Title = {Resource-Aware Coverage and Task Assignment in Visual Sensor Networks}, Author = {B. Dieber and C. Micheloni and B. Rinner}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {10}, Pages = {1424-1437}, Volume = {21}, Owner = {Mike}, Timestamp = {2011.07.06}, Webpdf = {}
- Kumar, S.; Micheloni, C.; Piciarelli, C. and Foresti, G.L. Stereo rectification of uncalibrated and heterogeneous images. In Pattern Recognition Letters, 31 (11): 1445-1452, 2010.
BibTex@Article{KumMicPicForPRL10, Title = {Stereo rectification of uncalibrated and heterogeneous images}, Author = {S. Kumar and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters}, Year = {2010}, Month = {Aug.}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1445-1452}, Volume = {31}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20}, Webpdf = {}
- Micheloni, C.; Remagnino, P.; Eng, H.L. and Geng, J. Introduction to Intelligent Monitoring of Complex Environments. In IEEE Intelligent Systems, 25 (3): 12-14, 2010.BibTex
@Article{MicRemEngGenIS10, Title = {Introduction to Intelligent Monitoring of Complex Environments}, Author = {C. Micheloni and P. Remagnino and H.L. Eng and J. Geng}, Journal = {IEEE Intelligent Systems}, Year = {2010}, Month = {May-Jun}, Number = {3}, Pages = {12-14}, Volume = {25}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20}
- Micheloni, C.; Rinner, B. and Foresti, G.L. Video Analysis in Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Networks. In IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 27 (5): 78-90, 2010.
BibTex@Article{MicRinForSPM2010, Title = {Video Analysis in Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Networks}, Author = {C. Micheloni and B. Rinner and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {IEEE Signal Processing Magazine}, Year = {2010}, Number = {5}, Pages = {78-90}, Volume = {27}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20}, Webpdf = {}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C.; Piciarelli, C. and Snidaro, L. Visual Sensor Technology for Advanced Surveillance Systems: Historical View, Technological Aspects and Research Activities in Italy. In Sensors, 9 (4): 2252-2270, 2009.BibTex
@Article{ForMicPicSniSens09, Title = {Visual Sensor Technology for Advanced Surveillance Systems: Historical View, Technological Aspects and Research Activities in Italy.}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli and L. Snidaro}, Journal = {Sensors}, Year = {2009}, Number = {4}, Pages = {2252-2270}, Volume = {9}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Micheloni, C.; Canazza, S. and Foresti, G.L. Audio-video biometric recognition for non-collaborative access granting. In Iournal of Visual Languages and Computing, 20 (6): 353-367, 2009.
BibTex@Article{MicCanForJVLC09, Title = {Audio-video biometric recognition for non-collaborative access granting}, Author = {C. Micheloni and S. Canazza and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Iournal of Visual Languages and Computing}, Year = {2009}, Month = {Dec}, Number = {6}, Pages = {353-367}, Volume = {20}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}, Webpdf = {}
- Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Active Tuning of Intrinsic Camera Parameters. In IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 6 (4): 770-780, 2009.
BibTex@Article{MicForTASE09, Title = {Active Tuning of Intrinsic Camera Parameters}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering}, Year = {2009}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {4}, Pages = {770-780}, Volume = {6}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}, Webpdf = {}
- Micheloni, C.; Snidaro, L. and Foresti, G.L. Exploiting temporal statistics for events analysis and understanding. In Image and Vision Comuting, 27 (10): 1459-1469, 2009.
BibTex@Article{MicSniForIMAVIS09, Title = {Exploiting temporal statistics for events analysis and understanding}, Author = {C. Micheloni and L. Snidaro and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Image and Vision Comuting}, Year = {2009}, Month = {Sep.}, Number = {10}, Pages = {1459-1469}, Volume = {27}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}, Webpdf = {}
- Micheloni, C.; Lestuzzi, M. and Foresti, G.L. Adaptive video communication for an intelligent distributed system: Tuning sensors parameters for surveillance purposes. In Machine Vision and Applications, 19 (5-6): 1432-1769, 2008.
BibTex@Article{MicLesForMVA08, Title = {Adaptive video communication for an intelligent distributed system: Tuning sensors parameters for surveillance purposes}, Author = {C. Micheloni and M. Lestuzzi and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Machine Vision and Applications}, Year = {2008}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {5-6}, Pages = {1432-1769}, Volume = {19}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.07}, Webpdf = {}
- Piciarelli, C.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Trajectory-based anomalous event detection. In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 18 (11): 1544-1554, 2008.
BibTex@Article{PicMicForTCSVT08, Title = {Trajectory-based anomalous event detection}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology}, Year = {2008}, Month = {Nov.}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1544-1554}, Volume = {18}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.07}, Webpdf = {}
- Micheloni, C.; Foresti, G.L.; Piciarelli, C. and Cinque, L. An Autonomous Vehicle for Video Surveillance of Indoor Environments. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, 56 (2): 487-498, 2007.
BibTex@Article{MicForPicCinTVT07, Title = {An Autonomous Vehicle for Video Surveillance of Indoor Environments}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti and C. Piciarelli and L. Cinque}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies}, Year = {2007}, Month = {Mar}, Number = {2}, Pages = {487-498}, Volume = {56}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.07}, Webpdf = {}
- Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Real Time Image Processing for Active Monitoring of Wide Areas". In Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 17 (3): 589-604, 2006.
BibTex@Article{MicheloniJIVC, Title = {Real Time Image Processing for Active Monitoring of Wide Areas"}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation}, Year = {2006}, Month = {June}, Number = {3}, Pages = {589-604}, Volume = {17}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}, Webpdf = {}
- Micheloni, C.; Piciarelli, C. and Foresti, G.L. How a Visual Surveillance System Hypothesizes How You Behave. In Behaviours Research Methods, 38 (3): 447-455, 2006.BibTex
@Article{MicPicForBRM06, Title = {How a Visual Surveillance System Hypothesizes How You Behave}, Author = {C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli and G.L. Foresti}, Journal = {Behaviours Research Methods}, Year = {2006}, Number = {3}, Pages = {447-455}, Volume = {38}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.07}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C. and Piciarelli, C. Detecting Moving People in Video Streams. In Pattern Recognition Letters, 26 (15): 2232-2243, 2005.BibTex
@Article{ForMicPicPRL2005, Title = {Detecting Moving People in Video Streams}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli}, Journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters}, Year = {2005}, Number = {15}, Pages = {2232-2243}, Volume = {26}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C.; Snidaro, L.; Remagnino, P. and Ellis, T. Active Video-Based Surveillance Systems. In IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 22 (2): 25-37, 2005.BibTex
@Article{ForestiSPM, Title = {Active Video-Based Surveillance Systems}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and L. Snidaro and P. Remagnino and T. Ellis}, Journal = {IEEE Signal Processing Magazine}, Year = {2005}, Month = Mar, Number = {2}, Pages = {25-37}, Volume = {22}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Micheloni, C.; Foresti, G.L. and Snidaro, L. A Network of Cooperative Cameras for Visual-Surveillance. In IEE Visual, Image & Signal Processing, 152 (2): 205-212, 2005.BibTex
@Article{MicForSniIEEVISP05, Title = {A Network of Cooperative Cameras for Visual-Surveillance}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti and L. Snidaro}, Journal = {IEE Visual, Image \& Signal Processing}, Year = {2005}, Month = {April}, Number = {2}, Pages = {205-212}, Volume = {152}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Snidaro, L.; Micheloni, C. and Chiavedale, C. Video Security for Ambient Intelligence. In IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics - Part A, 35 (2): 133-144, 2005.BibTex
@Article{SniMicChiSMC05, Title = {Video Security for Ambient Intelligence}, Author = {L. Snidaro and C. Micheloni and C. Chiavedale}, Journal = {IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics - Part A}, Year = {2005}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {2}, Pages = {133-144}, Volume = {35}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Snidaro, L. and Micheloni, C. People Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Buildings. In Intelligenza Artificiale, 1 (1): 6-10, 2004.BibTex
@Article{SniMicIA04, Title = {People Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Buildings}, Author = {L. Snidaro and C. Micheloni}, Journal = {Intelligenza Artificiale}, Year = {2004}, Month = {Feb.}, Number = {1}, Pages = {6-10}, Volume = {1}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.09}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C. and Snidaro, L. Advanced Visual-Based Traffic Monitoring systems for Increasing Safety in Road Transportation. In Advances in Transportation Studies An International Journal, 1 (1): 22-47, 2003.BibTex
@Article{ForMicSniATS03, Title = {Advanced Visual-Based Traffic Monitoring systems for Increasing Safety in Road Transportation}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and L. Snidaro}, Journal = {Advances in Transportation Studies An International Journal}, Year = {2003}, Number = {1}, Pages = {22-47}, Volume = {1}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.07}
- Foresti, G.L. and Micheloni, C. A Robust Feature Tracker for Active Surveillance of Outdoor Scenes. In Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, 1 (1): 21-36, 2003.
BibTex@Article{ForMicELCVIA03, Title = {A Robust Feature Tracker for Active Surveillance of Outdoor Scenes}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni}, Journal = {Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis}, Year = {2003}, Number = {1}, Pages = {21-36}, Volume = {1}, Webpdf = {}
- Foresti, G.L. and Micheloni, C. Generalized Neural Trees for Pattern Recognition. In IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks, 13 (6): 1540-1547, 2002.
BibTex@Article{ForestiIEEETNN02, Title = {Generalized Neural Trees for Pattern Recognition}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni}, Journal = {IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks}, Year = {2002}, Month = {Nov}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1540-1547}, Volume = {13}, Owner = {michelon}, Timestamp = {2006.01.08}, Webpdf = {}
Book chapters
- Martinel, N.; Prati, A. and .Micheloni, Distributed Embedded Smart Cameras. In Distributed Embedded Smart Cameras, pages 93-120, Springer New York, 2014.BibTex
@InBook{MarPraMicDESC14, Title = {Distributed Embedded Smart Cameras}, Author = {N. Martinel and A. Prati and C.Micheloni}, Chapter = {Distributed Mobile Computer Vision: Advances, Challenges and Applications}, Editor = {Bobda, Christophe and Velipasalar, Senem}, Pages = {93-120}, Publisher = {Springer New York}, Year = {2014}, Booktitle = {Distributed Embedded Smart Cameras}, Doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-7705-1_5}, ISBN = {978-1-4614-7704-4}, Language = {English}, Url = {}
- Kumar, S.; Micheloni, C. and Raman, B. Intelligent Multimedia Surveillance.BibTex
@InBook{KumMicRamIMS2013, Title = {Intelligent Multimedia Surveillance}, Author = {S. Kumar and C. Micheloni and B. Raman}, Chapter = {Multiresolution Depth Map Estimation in PTZ Camera Network}, Editor = {P.K. Atrey and M.S. Kankanhalli and A. Cavallaro}, Pages = {149-169}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2014.04.30}
- Piciarelli, C.; Canazza, S.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Handbook on soft computing for videosurveillance.BibTex
@InBook{PicCanMicFor-book10, Title = {Handbook on soft computing for videosurveillance}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and S. Canazza and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Chapter = {A network of audio and video sensors for monitoring large environments}, Editor = {S.K. Pal and A.Petrosino and L.Maddalena}, Pages = {1-23}, Publisher = {Taylor and Francis}, Year = {2012}, Owner = {Mike}, Timestamp = {2011.05.06}
- Kumar, S.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Smart Cameras.BibTex
@InBook{KumMicForBSC090, Title = {Smart Cameras}, Author = {S. Kumar and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Chapter = {Stereo Vision in Cooperative Camera Networks}, Editor = {A. N. Belbachir}, Pages = {267-280}, Publisher = {Springer US}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C.; Snidaro, L. and Remagnino, P. Ambient Intelligence : A Novel Paradigm.BibTex
@InBook{ForMicSniRemBAI06, Title = {Ambient Intelligence : A Novel Paradigm}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and L. Snidaro and P. Remagnino}, Chapter = {Security and Building Intelligence}, Editor = {P. Remagnino and G.L. Foresti and T. Elllis}, Pages = {199-211}, Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, Year = {2006}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C.; Snidaro, L. and Piciarelli, C. Intelligent Distributed Video Surveillance Systems.BibTex
@InBook{ForMicSniPicBIDVSS05, Title = {Intelligent Distributed Video Surveillance Systems}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and L. Snidaro and C. Piciarelli}, Chapter = {Advanced visual-based surveillance system: from dis-tributed architecture to intelligent active cameras}, Editor = {S.A. Velastin}, Publisher = {Institution of Electrical Engineers}, Year = {2005}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Micheloni, , C. and Foresti, , G. Situation Graph Trees. In Computer Vision, pages 741-744, Springer US, 2014.BibTex
@InCollection{MicForCVENC2014, Title = {Situation Graph Trees}, Author = {Micheloni, Christian and Foresti, GianLuca}, Booktitle = {Computer Vision}, Publisher = {Springer US}, Year = {2014}, Editor = {Ikeuchi, Katsushi}, Pages = {741-744}, Doi = {10.1007/978-0-387-31439-6_313}, ISBN = {978-0-387-30771-8}, Url = {}
In Proceedings
- Akhtar, Z.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Liveness Detection for Biometric Authentication in Mobile Applications. In 48th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Rome, 2014.BibTex
@InProceedings{AkhMicForICCST2014, Title = {Liveness Detection for Biometric Authentication in Mobile Applications}, Author = {Z. Akhtar and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {48th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Rome}, Month = {Oct. 13-16}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2014.10.16}
- Akhtar, Z.; Micheloni, C.; Piciarelli, C. and Foresti, G.L. MoBio_LivDet: Mobile Biometric Liveness Detection. In 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, Seul. Korea, 2014.BibTex
@InProceedings{AkhMicPicForAVSS2014, Title = {MoBio\_LivDet: Mobile Biometric Liveness Detection}, Author = {Z. Akhtar and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Seul. Korea}, Month = {Aug. 26-29}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2014.10.16}
- Akthar, Z.; Martinel, N.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Mobile Re-Identification Based on Local Features Analysis. In 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, Venice, Italy, 2014.BibTex
@InProceedings{AkhMarMicForICDSC2014, Title = {Mobile Re-Identification Based on Local Features Analysis}, Author = {Z. Akthar and N. Martinel and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Venice, Italy}, Month = {Nov. 3-7}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2014.10.16}
- Garcia, , J.; Martinel, , N.; Foresti, , G. L.; Gardel, , A. and Micheloni, , C. Person Orientation and Feature Distances Boost Re-Identification. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2014.BibTex
@InProceedings{GarMarForGarMicICPR2014, Title = {Person Orientation and Feature Distances Boost Re-Identification}, Author = {Garcia, Jorge and Martinel, Niki and Foresti, Gian Luca and Gardel, Alfredo and Micheloni, Christian}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, Year = {2014}
- Martinel, N. and Micheloni, C. Sparse Based Matching of Random Patches for Person Re-Identification. In 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, Venice -Italy, 2014.BibTex
@InProceedings{MarMicICDSC2014, Title = {Sparse Based Matching of Random Patches for Person Re-Identification}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni}, Booktitle = {8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Venice -Italy}, Month = {Nov .3-7}, Note = {\textbf{BEST PAPER RUNNER-UP AWARD}}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2014.10.16}
- Martinel, , N.; Micheloni, , C. and Foresti, , G. L. Saliency Weighted Features for Person Re-Identification. In IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision, Workshops and Demonstrations, pages 1-17, 2014.BibTex
@InProceedings{MarMicForECCV2014, Title = {Saliency Weighted Features for Person Re-Identification}, Author = {Martinel, Niki and Micheloni, Christian and Foresti, Gian Luca}, Booktitle = {IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision, Workshops and Demonstrations}, Year = {2014}, Number = {i}, Pages = {1--17}
- Martinel, N.; Micheloni, C. and Piciarelli, C. Learning Pairwise Feature Dissimilarities for Person Re-Identification. In International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2013.
BibTex@InProceedings{MarMicPicICDSC2013, Title = {Learning Pairwise Feature Dissimilarities for Person Re-Identification}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2013.11.20}, Webpdf = {}
- Piciarelli, C.; Micheloni, C.; Martinel, N.; Vernier, M. and Foresti, G.L. Outdoor Environment Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, pages 279-289, 2013.BibTex
@InProceedings{PicMicVerForICIAP2013, Title = {Outdoor Environment Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C. Micheloni and N. Martinel and M. Vernier and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {279-289}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2013.11.20}
- Vernier, M.; Martinel, N.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G. L. Remote Feature Learning for Mobile Re-Identification. In International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2013.BibTex
@InProceedings{VerMarMicForICDSC2013, Title = {Remote Feature Learning for Mobile Re-Identification}, Author = {M. Vernier and N. Martinel and C. Micheloni and G. L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2013.11.20}
- Martinel, N. and Micheloni, C. Re-identify people in wide area camera network. In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), pages 31-36, Providence RI, 2012.BibTex
@InProceedings{MarMicCVPRW2012, Title = {Re-identify people in wide area camera network}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni}, Booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)}, Year = {2012}, Address = {Providence RI}, Month = {June}, Pages = {31-36}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2012.09.07}
- Martinel, N.; Micheloni, C. and Piciarelli, C. Distributed Signature Fusion for Person Re-Identification. In International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, Hong Kong, 2012.
BibTex@InProceedings{MarMicPicICDSC12, Title = {Distributed Signature Fusion for Person Re-Identification}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras}, Year = {2012}, Address = {Hong Kong}, Month = {October}, Owner = {Mike}, Timestamp = {2012.11.12}, Webpdf = {}
- Kumar, S.; Rhani, A.; Micheloni, c. and Foresti, G.L. Supervised Learning Based Stereo Matching using Neural Tree. In International Conference on Image Analysis, Ravenna, 2011.BibTex
@InProceedings{KumRhaMicForICIAP11, Title = {Supervised Learning Based Stereo Matching using Neural Tree}, Author = {S. Kumar and A. Rhani and c. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Image Analysis}, Year = {2011}, Address = {Ravenna}, Month = {14-16 Sep.}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2014.04.26}
- Martinel, N. and Micheloni, C. Pre-Emptive camera activation for Video Surveillance HCI. In International Conference on Image Analysis, Ravenna, IT, 2011.
BibTex@InProceedings{MarMicPicICIAP2011, Title = {Pre-Emptive camera activation for Video Surveillance {HCI}}, Author = {N. Martinel and C. Micheloni}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Image Analysis}, Year = {2011}, Address = {Ravenna, IT}, Month = {Sep. 14-16}, Owner = {Mike}, Timestamp = {2011.07.06}, Webpdf = {}
- Micheloni, C.; Piciarelli, C. and Foresti, G.L. Multi-Sensor Awareness for Protection and Security. In Future Security Security Research Conference, Berlin, GE, 2011.
BibTex@InProceedings{MiPicForFS2011, Title = {Multi-Sensor Awareness for Protection and Security}, Author = {C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {Future Security Security Research Conference}, Year = {2011}, Address = {Berlin, GE}, Month = {Sep. 5-7}, Owner = {Mike}, Timestamp = {2011.07.06}, Webpdf = {}
- Piciarelli, C.; .Micheloni, and Piciarelli, C. Automatic reconfiguration of video sensor networks for optimal 3D coverage. In International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, Ghent, BE, 2011.
BibTex@InProceedings{PicMicForICDSC2011, Title = {Automatic reconfiguration of video sensor networks for optimal {3D} coverage}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C.Micheloni and C. Piciarelli}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras}, Year = {2011}, Address = {Ghent, BE}, Month = {Aug. 22-25}, Owner = {Mike}, Timestamp = {2011.07.06}, Webpdf = {}
- Roda, A. and Micheloni, C. Tracking sound sources by means of HMM. In 8th IEEE Internationcal Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, pages 1-6, Klagenfurt AUT, 2011.
BibTex@InProceedings{RodMicAVSS11, Title = {Tracking sound sources by means of {HMM}}, Author = {A. Roda and C. Micheloni}, Booktitle = {8th IEEE Internationcal Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance}, Year = {2011}, Address = {Klagenfurt AUT}, Month = {30 Aug-2 Sep.}, Pages = {1-6}, Owner = {Mike}, Timestamp = {2011.07.06}, Webpdf = {}
- Piciarelli, C.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Occlusion-aware multiple camera reconfiguration. In ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, pages 1-7, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A., 2010.
BibTex@InProceedings{PicMicForICDSC10, Title = {Occlusion-aware multiple camera reconfiguration}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras}, Year = {2010}, Address = {Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.}, Month = {Aug.31-Sep. 04}, Note = {\textbf{BEST PAPER AWARD}}, Pages = {1-7}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20}, Webpdf = {}
- Rani, A.; Kumar, S.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Human Action Recognition using a Hybrid NTLD Classifier. In 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, Boston, MA, USA, 2010.BibTex
@InProceedings{RanKumMicForAVSS10, Title = {Human Action Recognition using a Hybrid {NTLD} Classifier}, Author = {A. Rani and S. Kumar and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance}, Year = {2010}, Address = {Boston, MA, USA}, Month = {Aug 29-Sep. 01}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20}
- Kumar, S.; Micheloni, C. and Piciarelli, C. Stereo localization using dual PTZ cameras. In International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, pages 1061-1069, Munster, GE, 2009.
BibTex@InProceedings{KumMicPicCAIP09, Title = {Stereo localization using dual PTZ cameras}, Author = {S. Kumar and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns}, Year = {2009}, Address = {Munster, GE}, Month = {Sep. 2-4}, Pages = {1061-1069}, Volume = {5702/2009}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}, Webpdf = {}
- Kumar, S.; Micheloni, C.; Piciarelli, C. and Foresti, G. L. Stereo localization based on network uncalibrated camera pairs. In 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, Genova,IT, 2009.BibTex
@InProceedings{KumMicPicForAVSS09, Title = {Stereo localization based on network uncalibrated camera pairs}, Author = {S. Kumar and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli and G. L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance}, Year = {2009}, Address = {Genova,IT}, Month = {Sep. 2-4}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Dammavalam, S.; Piciarelli, C.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Shadow removal in outdoor video sequence by automatic thresholding of division images. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, pages 190-198, Salerno, IT, 2009.BibTex
@InProceedings{DamPicMicForICIAP09, Title = {Shadow removal in outdoor video sequence by automatic thresholding of division images}, Author = {S. Dammavalam and C. Piciarelli and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing}, Year = {2009}, Address = {Salerno, IT}, Month = {Sep. 8-11}, Pages = {190-198}, Volume = {5716/2009}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Micheloni, C.; Sangineto, E.; Cinque, L. and Foresti, G.L. Improved Statistical Techniques for Multi-part Face Detection and Recognition. In Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, pages 331-340, Oslo, NO, 2009.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicSanCinForSCIA09, Title = {Improved Statistical Techniques for Multi-part Face Detection and Recognition}, Author = {C. Micheloni and E. Sangineto and L. Cinque and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis}, Year = {2009}, Address = {Oslo, NO}, Month = {Jul. 14}, Pages = {331-340}, Volume = {5575/2009}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Piciarelli, C.; Kumar, S.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Event recognition with PTZ Cameras. In IEE International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention, London, UK, 2009.BibTex
@InProceedings{PicKumMicForICDP09, Title = {Event recognition with PTZ Cameras}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and S. Kumar and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IEE International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention}, Year = {2009}, Address = {London, UK}, Month = {Dic. 3}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Piciarelli, C.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. PTZ Camera Network Reconfiguration. In ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, pages 1-7, Como,IT, 2009.
BibTex@InProceedings{PicMicForICDSC09, Title = {PTZ Camera Network Reconfiguration}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras}, Year = {2009}, Address = {Como,IT}, Month = {Aug. 30 - Sep. 2}, Pages = {1-7}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}, Webpdf = {}
- Rhani, A.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Balancing Neural Trees to Improve Classification Performance. In WASET International Conference on Neural Networks, pages 394-398, Oslo, NO, 2009.BibTex
@InProceedings{AshMicForINN09, Title = {Balancing Neural Trees to Improve Classification Performance}, Author = {A. Rhani and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {WASET International Conference on Neural Networks}, Year = {2009}, Address = {Oslo, NO}, Month = {Jul 15-17}, Pages = {394-398}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Becher, C.; Foresti, G.L.; Kaul, P.; Koch, W.; Lorenz, F.P.; Lubczyk, D.; Micheloni, C.; Piciarelli, C.; Safenreiter, K.; Siering, C.; Varela, M.; Waldvogel, S.R. and Wieneke, M. A Security Assistance System Combining Person Tracking with Chemical Attributes and Video Event Analysis. In International Conference on Information Fusion, pages 1-8, Koln, GE, 2008.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicPicForFUS08, Title = {A Security Assistance System Combining Person Tracking with Chemical Attributes and Video Event Analysis}, Author = {C. Becher and G.L. Foresti and P. Kaul and W. Koch and F.P. Lorenz and D. Lubczyk and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli and K. Safenreiter and C. Siering and M. Varela and S.R. Waldvogel and M. Wieneke}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Information Fusion}, Year = {2008}, Address = {Koln, GE}, Month = {30 June-3 July}, Pages = {1-8}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Piciarelli, C.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Support Vector Machines for Robust Trajectory Clustering. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pages 2540-2543, San Diego CA, USA, 2008.BibTex
@InProceedings{PicMicForICIP08, Title = {Support Vector Machines for Robust Trajectory Clustering}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing}, Year = {2008}, Address = {San Diego CA, USA}, Month = {Oct. 12-15}, Pages = {2540-2543}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Piciarelli, C.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Anomalous Trajectory Patterns Detection. In IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 1-4, Tampa Fl, USA, 2008.BibTex
@InProceedings{PicMicForICPR08, Title = {Anomalous Trajectory Patterns Detection}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, Year = {2008}, Address = {Tampa Fl, USA}, Month = {Dec.}, Pages = {1-4}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Piciarelli, C.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Kernel-based unsupervised trajectory clusters discovery. In IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision, Visual Surveillance Workshop, Marseille, FR, 2008.BibTex
@InProceedings{PicMicForVS08, Title = {Kernel-based unsupervised trajectory clusters discovery}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision, Visual Surveillance Workshop}, Year = {2008}, Address = {Marseille, FR}, Month = {Sep}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Visentini, I.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Reactive Learning Strategy for AsymBoost Based Face Detectors. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, pages 357-362, Modena, IT, 2007.BibTex
@InProceedings{VisMicForICIAP07, Title = {Reactive Learning Strategy for AsymBoost Based Face Detectors}, Author = {I. Visentini and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing}, Year = {2007}, Address = {Modena, IT}, Month = {Sep. 10-14}, Pages = {357-362}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Visentini, I.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Tuning AsymBoost Cascades Improves Face Detection. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pages 447-480, San Antonio TX, USA, 2007.BibTex
@InProceedings{VisMicForICIP07, Title = {Tuning AsymBoost Cascades Improves Face Detection}, Author = {I. Visentini and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing}, Year = {2007}, Address = {San Antonio TX, USA}, Month = {Sep. 16-19}, Pages = {447-480}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Focusing on Target's Features while Tracking. In IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 836-839, Hong-Kong, 2006.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicForICPR06, Title = {Focusing on Target's Features while Tracking}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Hong-Kong}, Month = {Aug. 20-24}, Pages = {836-839}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Micheloni, C.; Snidaro, L. and Foresti, G.L. Statistical Event Analysis for Video Surveillance. In IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision, Visual Surveillance Workshop, pages 1-8, Gras, AUT, 2006.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicSniForVS06, Title = {Statistical Event Analysis for Video Surveillance}, Author = {C. Micheloni and L. Snidaro and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision, Visual Surveillance Workshop}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Gras, AUT}, Month = {May}, Pages = {1-8}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Micheloni, C.; Snidaro, L.; Visentini, I. and Foresti, G.L. Sensor Bandwidth Assignment through Video Annotation. In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance, Sidney, AUS, 2006.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicSniVisForAVSS06, Title = {Sensor Bandwidth Assignment through Video Annotation}, Author = {C. Micheloni and L. Snidaro and I. Visentini and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Sidney, AUS}, Month = {Nov. 22-24}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C.; Piciarelli, C. and Snidaro, L. A multi-sensor surveillance system for the detection of anomalous behaviours. In 5th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, Wageningen,NL, 2005.BibTex
@InProceedings{ForMicPicSniMBR05, Title = {A multi-sensor surveillance system for the detection of anomalous behaviours}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and C. Piciarelli and L. Snidaro}, Booktitle = {5th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Wageningen,NL}, Month = {30Aug-2 Sep.}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C. and Salvador, E. Real-Time Object Detection and Tracking for Road Traffic Monitoring. In Associazione italiana per l'informatica ed il calcolo distribuito, 2005.BibTex
@InProceedings{ForMicSalAICA05, Title = {Real-Time Object Detection and Tracking for Road Traffic Monitoring}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and E. Salvador}, Booktitle = {Associazione italiana per l'informatica ed il calcolo distribuito}, Year = {2005}, Month = {Oct 5-7}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.09}
- Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Zoom on Target While Tracking. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pages 117-120, Genova, 2005.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicheloniICIP05, Title = {Zoom on Target While Tracking}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Genova}, Month = {Sep 11-14}, Pages = {117-120}, Volume = {III}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Micheloni, C.; Salvador, E.; Bigaran, F. and Foresti, G.L. An Integrated Surveillance System for Outdoor Security. In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance, pages 480-485, Como, Italy, 2005.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicSalBigForAVSS05, Title = {An Integrated Surveillance System for Outdoor Security}, Author = {C. Micheloni and E. Salvador and F. Bigaran and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Como, Italy}, Month = {Sept 15-16}, Pages = {480-485}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Piciarelli, C.; .Micheloni, and Foresti, G.L. An Autonomous Surveillance Vehicle for People Tracking. In 13th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, pages 1140-1147, Cagliari, IT, 2005.BibTex
@InProceedings{PicMicForICIAP05, Title = {An Autonomous Surveillance Vehicle for People Tracking}, Author = {C. Piciarelli and C.Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {13th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Cagliari, IT}, Month = {Sep. 6-8}, Pages = {1140-1147}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Snidaro, L.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Ontology-based Intelligent Environments. In 9th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Workshop on Ambient Intelligence, 2005.BibTex
@InProceedings{SniMicForAIIA05, Title = {Ontology-based Intelligent Environments}, Author = {L. Snidaro and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {9th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Workshop on Ambient Intelligence}, Year = {2005}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.09}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C. and Snidaro, L. Event classification for automatic visual-based surveillance of parking lots. In IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 314-317, Cambridge, UK, 2004.BibTex
@InProceedings{ForestiICPR04, Title = {Event classification for automatic visual-based surveillance of parking lots}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and L. Snidaro}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, Year = {2004}, Address = {Cambridge, UK}, Month = Aug # {23-26}, Pages = {314-317}, Volume = {3}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Image Acquisition Enhancement for Active Video Surveillance. In IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 271-275, Cambridge, UK, 2004.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicheloniICPR04, Title = {Image Acquisition Enhancement for Active Video Surveillance}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, Year = {2004}, Address = {Cambridge, UK}, Month = Aug # {23-26}, Pages = {271-275}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Micheloni, C.; Foresti, G.L. and Alberti, F. A New Feature Clustering Method for Object Detection with an Active Camera. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pages 271-275, Singapore, 2004.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicheloniICIP04, Title = {A New Feature Clustering Method for Object Detection with an Active Camera}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti and F. Alberti}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing}, Year = {2004}, Address = {Singapore}, Month = Oct # { 24-27}, Pages = {271-275}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Rossi, P.G.; Macoratti, M.; Foresti, G.L. and Micheloni, C. STI : Sistema per la Teledidattica Interattiva. In Didamatica, 2004.BibTex
@InProceedings{RosMacForMicDida04, Title = {STI : Sistema per la Teledidattica Interattiva}, Author = {P.G. Rossi and M. Macoratti and G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni}, Booktitle = {Didamatica}, Year = {2004}, Month = {May 10-12}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.09}
- Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Fast Good Features Selection for Wide Area Monitoring. In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, pages 271-276, Miami, FL, 2003.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicheloniAVSS03, Title = {Fast Good Features Selection for Wide Area Monitoring}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance}, Year = {2003}, Address = {Miami, FL}, Month = jul # {21-22}, Pages = {271-276}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Micheloni, C.; Foresti, G.L. and Snidaro, L. A Cooperative Multicamera System for Videosurveillance of Parking Lots. In IEE Intelligent Distributed Surveillance Systems, pages 5/1-5/5, London, UK, 2003.BibTex
@InProceedings{MicheloniIDSS03, Title = {A Cooperative Multicamera System for Videosurveillance of Parking Lots}, Author = {C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti and L. Snidaro}, Booktitle = {IEE Intelligent Distributed Surveillance Systems}, Year = {2003}, Address = {London, UK}, Month = Feb # {26}, Pages = {5/1-5/5}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.02.05}
- Foresti, G.L.; .Micheloni, and Snidaro, L. A Robust Face Detection System For Real Environments. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pages 897-900, Barcellona, SP, 2003.BibTex
@InProceedings{ForMicSniICIP03, Title = {A Robust Face Detection System For Real Environments}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C.Micheloni and L. Snidaro}, Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing}, Year = {2003}, Address = {Barcellona, SP}, Month = {Sep 14-17}, Pages = {897-900}, Volume = {3}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Foresti, G.L.; .Micheloni,; Snidaro, L. and Marchiol, C. Face Detection for Visual Surveillance. In 12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Mantova, 2003.BibTex
@InProceedings{ForMicSniMarICIAP03, Title = {Face Detection for Visual Surveillance}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C.Micheloni and L. Snidaro and C. Marchiol}, Booktitle = {12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing}, Year = {2003}, Address = {Mantova}, Month = {Sep. 17-19}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
- Snidaro, L.; Micheloni, C. and Foresti, G.L. Automatic people detection and counting for intelligent buildings. In 8 th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, pages 26-33, Pisa, 2003.BibTex
@InProceedings{SniMicForAIIA03, Title = {Automatic people detection and counting for intelligent buildings}, Author = {L. Snidaro and C. Micheloni and G.L. Foresti}, Booktitle = {8 th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence}, Year = {2003}, Address = {Pisa}, Month = {Sep 23-26}, Pages = {26-33}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.09}
- Foresti, G.L. and Micheloni, C. Real-Time Video Surveillance by an Active Camera. In Ottavo Convegno Associazione Italiana Intelligenza Artificiale (AI*IA) - Workshop sulla Percezione e Visione nelle Macchine, 2002.
BibTex@InProceedings{ForMicAIIA02, Title = {Real-Time Video Surveillance by an Active Camera}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni}, Booktitle = {Ottavo Convegno Associazione Italiana Intelligenza Artificiale (AI*IA) - Workshop sulla Percezione e Visione nelle Macchine}, Year = {2002}, Month = {Sep 11-13}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.09}, Webpdf = {}
- Foresti, G.L.; Micheloni, C. and Snidaro, L. Adaptive High Order Neural Trees for Pattern Recognition. In IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Quebec City, CA, 2002.BibTex
@InProceedings{ForMicSniICPR02, Title = {Adaptive High Order Neural Trees for Pattern Recognition}, Author = {G.L. Foresti and C. Micheloni and L. Snidaro}, Booktitle = {IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, Year = {2002}, Address = {Quebec City, CA}, Month = {Aug. 11-15}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2010.01.08}
Technical Reports
- Kumar, S. and Micheloni, C. Dual PTZ Stereo Rectification for Target Localization and Depth Map Computation. Technical Report, University of Udine, 2014.
BibTex@TechReport{KumMicTR2014, Title = {Dual PTZ Stereo Rectification for Target Localization and Depth Map Computation}, Author = {S. Kumar and C. Micheloni}, Institution = {University of Udine}, Year = {2014}, Owner = {mike}, Timestamp = {2014.05.19}, Webpdf = {}