FUSION 2024!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m co-organizing the 2024 International Conference on Information Fusion!

Join us in the enchanting city of Venice from July 7th to July 11th for a week of innovative discussions, networking, and breathtaking scenery!

Fusion 2024 in Venice

www.fusion 2024.org

Fusion 2020 Special Sessions!

Fusion 2020 logo Web-banner
This year the International Conference on Information Fusion
(www.fusion2020.org) was a completely virtual conference.

Congrats to the organizers for successfully switching to the new format!

This year I have co-organized three Special Sessions:
– Context-based Information Fusion
– Explainable AI for Information Fusion
– Intelligence for Situation Understanding and Sense-making

Very interesting discussions! Thanks to all the authors and participants!

Newly proposed this year was the tutorial “Context-enhanced Information Fusion” and I would like to thank Dr. Erik Blasch for co-organizing it and sharing the (virtual) stage with me.

And of course many thanks to my colleagues of the NATO IST-165 RTG on “High-level Fusion of Hard and Soft Information for Intelligence” for the work on the paper “Challenges in automated HUMINT processing for situational assessment”

But probably the most exciting work this year was the collaboration with Dr. Andrea Salfinger on the paper “Towards Neural Situation Evolution Modeling” which applies RNNs and ideas from NLP for the prediction of evolving situations.






I participated as lecturer in the NATO LECTURE SERIES IST-155 from September 26th to October 6th 2016 at the following locations:

  • NATO CMRE (La Spezia)
  • University of Delft (NL)
  • University of Linköping (Svezia)
  • Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Porton Down (UK)

See the full program here.

Context-Enhanced Information Fusion book is out!

I co-edited the book “Context-Enhanced Information Fusion” just published by Springer:

book cover



This text reviews the fundamental theory and latest methods for including contextual information in fusion process design and implementation. Chapters are contributed by the foremost international experts, spanning numerous developments and applications. The book highlights high- and low-level information fusion problems, performance evaluation under highly demanding conditions, and design principles. A particular focus is placed on approaches that integrate research from different communities, emphasizing the benefit of combining different techniques to overcome the limitations of a single perspective. Features: introduces the terminology and core elements in information fusion and context; presents key themes for context-enhanced information fusion; discusses design issues in developing context-aware fusion systems; provides mathematical grounds for modeling the contextual influences in representative fusion problems; describes the fusion of hard and soft data; reviews a diverse range of applications.



Fusion 2015 Special Sessions!!


I am co-organizing a couple of Special Sessions at the 18th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2015), Washington, D.C., July 6-9 2015. Current paper submission deadline (EXTENDED!): March 15th

  • Multi-Level Fusion: bridging the gap between high and low level fusion
  • Context-based Information Fusion

Slides seminari Dr. Little

Le slide dei seminari “Designing and Building Semantic Technologies for Cloud-based Applications” tenuti dal Dr. Little saranno disponibili a breve.Gli studenti del corso di Sistemi Multimediali Intelligenti troveranno le slide fra il materiale del corso.

Chi avesse seguito i seminari (firmando i fogli presenze) non essendo studente del corso può farne richiesta al sottoscritto via email e provvederò all’invio non appena mi saranno fornite dal Dr. Little.

Seminar on “Designing and Building Advanced Analytics for Cloud-based Applications”!

Dr. Eric Little, Adjunct Professor at the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, New York University and VP and Chief Scientist at Modus Operandi in Melbourne, FL, will give a seminar on “Designing and Building Advanced Analytics for Cloud-based Applications” within “I Mercoledì del DIMI” at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Leaflet: Designing and Building Advanced Analytics for Cloud-based Applications

The seminar will cover the most recent research activity carried out by Dr. Little and his team.

Please contact me for any information on the seminar.