
Prof. Lauro Snidaro is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Udine. His main interests include Data/Information Fusion, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Multimedia, Video understanding. He actively publishes in international journals and conferences and has co-authored more than 100 papers. He was the appointed Italian member of the NATO Task Group on Information Fusion Demonstrator (TGonIFD) IST-038/RTG-016 for 2003-05, of the NATO Information Technology Panel Task Group IST-065/RTG-028 on “Information Fusion in Asymmetric Operations” (RTGonIFAO) for 2007-2009, and of the NATO Research Task Group on “Information Filtering and Multi-Source Information Fusion” IST-106-RTG-051 for 2011-2014. He is currently the appointed Italian member for the NATO Task Group on “Multi-Level Fusion of Hard and Soft Information” (IST-132) for 2015-17.

He cooperates with international industries and research centres and is involved in several international projects on multi-sensor data fusion. He has been invited speaker at international symposiums and meetings in Armenia, Bulgaria, Spain, United States. In 2011 he was program co-chair of the 16th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP) and in 2019 he was program co-chair of the 22nd International Conference on Information Fusion.

He has co-organized several special sessions at the International Conference on Information Fusion and the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance. He was the lead editor of the volume “Context-Enhanced Information Fusion – Boosting Real-World Performance with Domain Knowledge”, Springer, 2016. He is special issue organizer and “Fusion for Signal/Image Processing and Understanding” Area Editor of the Information Fusion journal (Elsevier). He is “High level fusion” Area Editor of the ISIF “Journal of Advances in Information Fusion”.  He serves as a computer science project reviewer for the Italian Ministry of University and Research. He regularly serves as reviewer for 28 international journals and 26 conferences.