September 24-27, 2024 in Udine: save the date! All info here.
September 24-27, 2024 in Udine: save the date! All info here.
November 20-24, 2023: save the date! All info here.
November 25-29, 2019: save the date! All info here.
We are glad to announce that our new Computational Dynamics Laboratory – CDLab is online now! The site is still under construction, but stay tuned for interesting updates that will be soon launched…
The first call for INdAM (“Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica”) Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and/or Applications cofunded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions is now open, deadline 31 may 2017. The PhD programme at DIMA is an official partner, if interested please contact me.
My new office is SN3 (“Stecca Nord 3”), since August 3, 2016. Maps with rooms/names can be found along corridors at DMIF. My phone number is unchanged.
Since january 1st 2016, DiMI has changed denomination and now it is Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics. Eventually, we voted for an official acronym, DMIF, which stands for the italian “Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica e Fisica”. Even though it does not seem to be so, since everybody still uses DIMA.
After some years spent on numerically approximating Lyapunov exponents for systems with delay, I eventually realized that the time has come to properly learn something about these numbers. Then, to put things in order in my mind, I thought that giving a course to PhD’s would have been a good idea. Here‘s the result: a light introduction for ODEs, with an eye on theory and the other on computation. Let’s see if I was right then…
Next week I will fly to Bilbao in occasion of the Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Applications, held at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM). The event is co-organized by Julia Sánchez Sanz, PhD student there, who visited UNIUD last september. We are collaborating on the stability and bifurcation analysis of equilibria of Daphnia, a resource-consumer system modelled by coupled renewal and delay differential equations. Although complicated from the computational standpoint, we hope to achieve some interesting results soon…