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Short bio

I am Associate Professor (Professore Associato) at the Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche e Fisiche (DMIF) of the University of Udine since November 2022. I have been Assistant Professor (RTD-A/B) at the same department from October 2018 to November 2022.

I got my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Udine in 2011 and I got my Bachelor Degree and my Master Degree in Computer Science at the University "Federico II" of Naples in 2005 and 2007, respectively.

From 2011 to 2018, I worked as a postdoc researcher at several universities in Europe: University of Salerno (2011), Reykjavik University (2012–2015), University "Federico II" of Naples (2016 and 2018), and Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2016–2018).

I have been awarded a "RANNIS-Marie Curie" fellowship (2013–2015) and an "INdAM-Marie Curie" fellowship (2016–2018). I have also been awarded the "GULP prize for the best Italian PhD dissertation in the area of Computational Logic" for the years 2010-2011 and the "Young researcher award" for 2011 from University of Udine.

My research interests focus on the areas of formal methods (logical specification, verification, and synthesis of reactive systems), logic in Computer Science (temporal, modal, and strategic logic, automata and game theory), and artificial Intelligence (knowledge representation and reasoning, planning).