- 1st April 2011: PhD in Computer Science at University of Udine - Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science. Thesis: "Expressiveness, decidability, and undecidability of Interval Temporal Logic".
Supervisor: Angelo Montanari, University of Udine, Italy. Co-supervisors: Guido Sciavicco,
University of Information Science and Technology, Ohrid, Macedonia, and Valentin Goranko, Techincal University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.
- 16th October 2007: "Laurea specialistica" (Master's degree) in Computer Science (classe di corso di studio: 23S). University of Napoli "Federico II".
Area: automatic verification of software (evaluation: 110/100 cum laude). Thesis (in Italian): "Una procedura di model checking in
un dominio lineare astratto per la verifica di programmi C con array"
("A model checking procedure in abstract linear domain for the verification of C program with array").
Suprvisor: Massimo Benerecetti, University of Napoli "Federico II", Italy.
The thesis concerned formalisation and development of an abstraction
strategy for software model checking embedded in CEGAR loop.
- January 2005: "Laurea triennale" (Bachelor's Degree) in Computer Science (classe di corso di studio: 26). University of Napoli "Federico II". Area: 3-D skeletonization
process of digital image (evaluation: 110/110). Supervisors: Maria Frucci and Gabriella Sanniti Di Baja,
Istituto di Cibernetica "E. Caianiello", CNR, Napoli, Italy.
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN), 01/B1
(Informatica), seconda fascia (National Academic Qualification as
Associate Professor in Computer Science)
valida dall'11/09/2019 all'11/09/2025.
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN), 09/H1 (Ingegneria
Informatica), seconda fascia (National Academic Qualification as
Associate Professor in Computer Engineering)
valida dal 26/07/2018 al 26/07/2024.
- Since November 28, 2022: Associate Professor (Professore Associato)
at Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics (DMIF),
University of Udine, Italy.
- From November 28, 2019 to November 27, 2022: Assistant Professor
(tenure track – RTD-B) at Department of Mathematics, Computer Science,
and Physics (DMIF), University of Udine, Italy.
- From October 1, 2018 to November 27, 2019: Assistant Professor
(RTD-A) at Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics (DMIF),
University of Udine, Italy.
- From October 2016 to September 2018: "INdAM-Marie Curie" Research
Fellow at the following institutions:
- From April 2018 to September 2018: Research Associate at Department of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology (DIETI),
University "Federico II" of Naples, Italy.
- From October 2016 to March 2018: Research Associate at Sección Departamental de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación - Lenguajes y Sistemas informáticos y Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
- From January 2016 to September 2016: Research Associate at Department of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology (DIETI),
University "Federico II" of Naples, Italy.
- From March 2012 to December 2015: Research Associate at School of Computer Science, Reykjavik University, Iceland.
- From February 2011 to January 2012: Research Associate at Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Italy.
- Interval Temporal Logics
Interval temporal logics are based on temporal structures
where time intervals, rather than time instants, are the primitive ontological
entities. The most important and natural among them is the Halpern and Shoham's
Interval Temporal Logic (HS, for short). It features the modal operators corresponding
to the various relations between intervals, known as Allen's relations.
I have mainly been working on satisfiability and expressiveness issues for (classical extensions of) HS and its fragments.
- Automated system verification
Automated verification of multi-agent systems is a significant topic in the
recent literature in artificial intelligence. The need of modeling this
kind of systems has inspired logical formalisms, the most famous being the
Alternating-time Temporal Logics, namely ATL*, ATL+, and ATL,
oriented towards the description of collective behaviors.
These logics are natural specification languages for open systems, that is, systems whose
behavior depends on the interaction with an external entity, usually called
the environment or the opponent.
I faced the problem of model checking ATL-specifications with respect to multi-agents systems (formalized as game arena) where the agents
must act subject to quantitative constraints (e.g., single agents' resource
availability, global energy threshold) as well as qualitative ones (expressed,
e.g., by means of parity conditions).
- Reactive systems and concurrency theory
Equivalence/preorder checking is one of the main approaches to the
computer-aided verification of reactive systems.
Systems and their specifications are both expressed in the same
state-machine-based formalism, and checking whether a system correctly
implements its specification amounts to verifying whether the state machines
describing them are related by some suitable notion of behavioural
I have been working on a logical characterisation of several behavioural
relations that have been considered in the field of concurrency theory,
aiming at exploring the link between equivalence/preorder checking and another
major approach to automated verification of system, namely model checking.
- Editorship
- Guest Editor: Special Issue of the journal Logical Methods in Computer
Science (LMCS) based on a selection of papers presented at GandALF
- Guest Editor: Special Issue of the journal Logical Methods in Computer
Science (LMCS) based on a selection of papers presented at GandALF
- Guest Editor: Proceedings of GandALF 2023, EPTCS
- Guest Editor: Proceedings of GandALF 2022, EPTCS
- Guest Editor: Proceedings of OVERLAY 2021, CEUR Workshop Proceedings
- Guest Editor: Special Issue of Fundamenta Informaticae based on a
selection of papers presented at CILC 2017
- Guest Editor: Joint Proceedings of ICTCS 2017 and CILC 2017, CEUR
Workshop Proceedings (2017)
- Program Committee Chair
- PC Chair of GandALF 2023
- PC Chair of GandALF 2022
- PC Chair of OVERLAY 2021
- PC Chair of CILC 2017
- Program Committee membership
- PC member of CILC 2025
- PC member of IJCAI 2025
- PC member of AI*IA 2024
- PC member of GandALF 2024
- PC member of IJCAI 2024
- PC member of CILC 2024
- PC member of AAMAS 2024
- PC member of OVERLAY 2023
- PC member of AI*IA 2023
- PC member of IJCAI 2023
"Distinguished PC member")
- PC member of CILC 2023
- PC member of AI*IA 2022
- PC member of LAMAS&SR 2022
- PC member of CILC 2022
- PC member of AAMAS 2022
- PC member of AAAI 2022
- PC member of IJCAI 2022
"Distinguished PC member" – top 3%)
- Member of the Program Committee Board of IJCAI for the years 2022, 2023,
and 2024
- PC member of CILC 2021
- PC member of IJCAI 2021
- PC member of AAAI 2021
- PC member of PRIMA 2020
- PC member of OVERLAY 2020
- PC member of AI*IA 2020
- PC member of CILC 2020
- PC member of IJCAI-PRICAI 2020
- PC member of AAMAS 2020
- PC member of AAAI 2020
- PC member of PRIMA 2019
- PC member of OVERLAY 2019
- PC member of AI*IA 2019
- PC member of GandALF 2019
- PC member of IJCAI 2019
"Distinguished PC member")
- PC member of AAMAS 2019
- PC member of AAAI 2019
- PC member of AI*IA 2018
- PC member of CILC 2018
- PC member of GandALF 2018
- PC member of IJCAI-ECAI 2018
- PC member of the ESSLLI Workshop LRBA 2015
- Organizing Committee membership
- Local arrangement co-chair of AI*IA 2022
- OC member of Logic Colloquium 2018
- OC member of ICTCS 2017
- OC member of FMAI 2017
- OC member of NWPT 2015
- OC member of Madrid Meet 2015---joint conference including CONCUR 2015,
QEST 2015, FORMATS 2015, TGC 2015, WS-FM/BEAT 2015, and several co-located
- OC member of GandALF 2012
- OC member of GandALF 2011
- OC member of GandALF 2010
- OC member of the Annual Workshop GAMES 2009 of the ESF Research
Networking Programme
Principal investigator of funded peer-reviewed research projects
- PI of the Italian INdAM-GNCS project "Formal methods for combined
verification" ("Metodi formali per tecniche di verifica combinata"), 2019.
Amount of the grant: 7,000.00 EUR.
- PI of project "Model Rating: Enhancing model checking with information on
model distance", INdAM-COFUND Fellowship in Mathematics and/or Applications
for experienced researchers, co-founded by "Marie Curie Actions", 2017-2018.
Amount of the grant: ca. 100,000.00 EUR.
- PI of project "Decidability and Expressiveness for Interval Temporal
Logics" (project nr. 130802-051), START Postdoctoral Fellowship programme,
Rannis, Icelandic Research Fund, co-founded by "Marie Curie Actions",
Amount of the grant: 13,320,000.00 ISK (ca. 107,000.00 EUR - exchange
rate: Dec 2nd, 2017).
Participation in funded projects
- "Strategic reasoning for multi-agent systems", University "Federico II" of
Naples, 2016.
- Italian INdAM-GNCS project "Logics, Automata, and Games for Auto-Adaptive
Systems", 2016.
- Italian INdAM-GNCS project "Algorithmic techniques for model checking and
synthesis of safety-critical systems", 2015.
- "Formal Methods for the Development and Evaluation of Sustainable
Systems", under the Programme NILS Science and Sustainability (Abel -
Coordinated Mobility for Researchers), within the Priority Sectors Programme
of the EEA Grants Framework, 2014-2015.
- Italian INdAM-GNCS project "Automata, Games, and Temporal Logics for
Verification and Synthesis of Controllers in Safety-Critical Systems", 2014.
- "Processes and Modal Logics" (project nr. 100048021), Icelandic Research
Fund, 2012-2013.
- "Metodi formali per la verifica automatica di sistemi", University of
Salerno, 2011.
- Italian INdAM-GNCS project "Logics, Automata, and Games for Formal Verification
of Complex Systems" (http://itl.dimi.uniud.it/gncs), 2010.
- Italian PRIN project "Innovative and multi-disciplinary approaches for
constraint and preference reasoning", 2008.
Participation in research groups
- Member of the Data Science and Automatic Verification laboratory
led by prof. Angelo Montanari, within the Dipartimento di Scienze
Matematiche, Informatiche e Fisiche (DMIF), at University of Udine, since
- Member of the Automated STrategic REAsoning (ASTREA) group, led by
prof. Aniello Murano, within the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology (DIETI), at University "Federico II" of Naples, from
2016 to 2018.
- Member of the Icelandic
Center of Excellence in Computer Science (ICE-TCS) within the School
of Computer Science at Reykjavik University.
- Member of the Eureka Project (http://www.ai-lab.it/eureka/) for
developing a tool for automatic verification of
Major awards
- August 2016: winner of one of
the INdAM-COFUND Fellowships in Mathematics and/or
Applications for experienced researchers co-founded by "Marie Curie
Actions", administered by INdAM (Istituto Nazionle
di Alta Matematica "F. Severi"---National Institute for Advanced
Mathematics), for funding the project "Model Rating: Enhancing model
checking with information on model distance" (2017-2018).
Amount of the grant: ca. 100,000.00 EUR.
- March 2013: Young researcher award for 2011 from University of Udine (Italy)
for the paper "Metric Propositional Neighborhood Logics on Natural Numbers"
(coauthors: D. Bresolin, A. Montanari, V. Goranko, and G. Sciavicco),
Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM).
- January 2013: winner of the
START Postdoctoral Fellowship programme administered by
Rannis through the Icelandic Research Fund (IRF),
in partnership with the European Commission Framework 7 Programme (People) under "Marie Curie Actions", for funding the project
nr. 130802-051 "Decidability and Expressiveness for Interval Temporal Logics" (2013-2015). Amount of the grant: 13,320,000.00 ISK (ca. 107,000.00 EUR - exchange rate: Dec 2nd, 2017).
- November 2012: GULP prize for the best Italian PhD dissertation in the area of Computational Logic for the years 2010-2011 for the PhD thesis
"Expressiveness, decidability, and undecidability of Interval Temporal Logic".
GULP is the Italian Association for Logic Programming,
affiliated to Association for Logic Programming (ALP).
*** Award certificate
*** See the pictures of the award ceremony
Other awards
Undergraduate and graduate level
- 2023-2024 (1st and 2nd period): Programming and Laboratory (in Italian), University of Udine.
- 2022-2023 (2nd period): Advanced Database Systems For Big Data/Data
Management for Big Data (in English), University of Udine and University of
- 2022-2023 (1st and 2nd period): Programming and Laboratory (in Italian), University of Udine.
- 2022-2023 (1st period): Database Laboratory (in Italian), University of Udine.
- 2021-2022 (2nd period): Advanced Database Systems For Big Data/Data
Management for Big Data (in English), University of Udine and University of
- 2021-2022 (1st period): Database Laboratory (in Italian), University of Udine.
- 2020-2021 (2nd period): Advanced Database Systems For Big Data/Data
Management for Big Data (in English), University of Udine and University of
- 2020-2021 (1st period): Database Laboratory (in Italian), University of Udine.
- 2019-2020 (2nd period): Data Management for Big Data (in English), University of Udine and University of Trieste.
- 2019-2020 (1st period): Database Laboratory (in Italian), University of Udine.
- 2018-2019 (2nd period): Data Management for Big Data (in English), University of Udine and University of Trieste.
- 2018-2019 (1st period): Database Laboratory (in Italian), University of Udine.
- 2014-2015 (2nd period): Programming Languages (in English), Reykjavik University.
- January 2009 - May 2011: Advanced Laboratory of Databases and Information Systems (in Italian),
University of Udine.
Professional Master's Programmes (Master italiani di I e II livello)
- 2019-2020 (2nd period): Data Management for Big Data (in Italian),
Master di I livello in Filosofia del Digitale (modulo: Gli strumenti del
digitale), University of Udine.
- PhD theses:
- University of Udine: Angelo Matteo
- Master theses:
- University of Udine: Ionel Eduard Stan
- University of Udine and University of Trieste: Paolo Pulcini,
Nicolas Solomita, Alex Fulgosi
- Bachelor theses:
- University of Udine: Andrea Martin, Mattia Guiotto, Chiara
Sequalini, Lorenzo Mian, Alessandra Tracanelli, Kalaja Klajdi, Raimondo
Barbuto, Fabio Lena, Matteo Zof, Xavier Zentilin, Lorenzo Marcon,
Emanuele D'Agostini
- University of Salerno: Luigi D'Amora
- Undergraduate project supervision: Tomas Ken Magnusson,
"Enumeration algorithms for modal logics, Horn theories, and hyper-graphs"
(Reykjavik University, Iceland)
- May 2017: Visiting period for research collaboration c/o prof. Adrian Francalanza at University of Malta (Malta).
- From September 2015 to November 2015: Visiting period for research collaboration c/o prof. David de Frutos Escrig at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid (Spain).
- From April 2014 to June 2014: Visiting period for research collaboration c/o prof. David de Frutos Escrig at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid (Spain).
- From April 2013 to June 2013: Visiting period for research collaboration c/o prof. Guido Sciavicco
at University of Murcia - Departamento de Ingenieria de la Información y las comunicaciones, Murcia (Spain).
- From September 2010 to November 2010: Visiting period for research collaboration c/o prof. Valentin Goranko
at Section Algorithms and Logic - Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling (IMM) - Technical University of
Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Copenhagen (Denmark).
- Since February 2010: Webmaster of the website http://itl.dimi.uniud.it/gncs/
about a GNCS project I am involved in.
- From October 2009 to December 2009: Visiting period for research collaboration c/o prof. Guido Sciavicco
at University of Murcia - Departamento de Ingenieria de la Información y las comunicaciones, Murcia (Spain).
- Since March 2009: Webmaster of the website http://itl.dimi.uniud.it/
(developed in Drupal) about Interval Temporal Logic (a major research topic of mine).
- From October 2007 to January 2008: Three months life and work experience in London.