This course is about Data Science and Data Humanism and a blending of the two. The reference authors are data scientist Hadley Wickham and information designer Giorgia Lupi. I will try to follow the following teaching principles:


  1. Teasers
  2. Data Science
  3. Data humanism

Task-tag legend




Data stories

In a data story (or data challenge) you tell a story with data. Find a dataset, pose questions, and try to solve them using an analysis notebook in R. Follow your curiosity and be creative.

  1. Visualize flowers with R challenge [Tasks: visualize]
  2. Generative art with R challenge [Tasks: visualize]
  3. Which is the best team ever in Italian soccer? challenge [Tasks: transform, visualize]
  4. Which among goals for and goals against contribute more to points in Italian soccer? challenge [Tasks: transform, model]
  5. What are the qualities of diamonds? challenge [Tasks: transform, visualize, model]
  6. What affects the number of daily flights? challenge [Tasks: transform, visualize, model]
  7. Are iris flower sepal and petal sizes correlated? challenge [Tasks: visualize, model]
  8. How life expectancy change over time for each country? challenge [Tasks: transform, visualize, model]
  9. Is child mortality decreasing over time? challenge [Tasks: transform, visualize, model]
  10. In there a first-mover advantage in chess? challenge [Tasks: transform, visualize, program]
  11. What are the busy days in the market of crypto art? challenge [Tasks: transform, visualize]

Mid-course assignment

The mid-course assignment covers the full pipeline of Data Science. Youโ€™re asked to investigate the Italian Soccer League.


The exam consists of a written exam. The written part consists of a list of questions, either open questions or exercises, over all the covered syllabus. During the written exam students are allowed to use only sheets covering the syntax of languages (such as cheatsheets). The outcome of the written part is a mark from 0 to 30.

The student can also make a project, which is optional and gives the student a bonus from 0 to 3 points (to sum to the mark of the written part). The project consists of one significant data challenge chosen by the student. It is done individually and must use methods, languages and software tools seen during the course. The student will discuss the project the day of the written exam, in a maximum time of 15 minutes, using a presentation on a personal laptop (bring adapters). The presentation must focus on the used dataset, the data questions, the performed analyzes and the results obtained. Both the project and the presentation skills will be evaluated. Each student can discuss the project only once. If the written part fails, the bonus of the project is still valid.

  1. 2019/1
  2. 2019/2
  3. 2019/3