Software Engineering II - Project Resources
Here students can find useful links to Web resources (technical articles, scientific papers, templates, etc.) which can be useful to complete the project.
Feasibility study
Feasibility studies are preliminary investigations into the potential benefits associated with undertaking a specific activity or project. The main purpose of the feasibility study is to consider all factors associated with the project, and determine if the investment of time and other resources will yield a desirable result. While considered a preliminary study, it is not unusual for a feasibility study to be highly detailed...
- McConnell, Steve; Best Practices: Feasibility Studies, IEEE Software, Vol. 15, No. 3, May/June 1998
- Ambler, Scott; Justifying a Software Development Project, Ambisoft.
- Thompson, Alan; Business Feasibility Study Outline, Rochester, 2005
Software requirements/specifications documents
- Le Vie, Don Jr.; Writing Software Requirements Specifications, Techwhirl magazine
- Wiegers, Karl E.; Writing Quality Requirements, Process Impact
- Japenga, Robert; How to write a software requirements specification, Micro Tools Inc.
- Writing Better Requirements The Key to a Successful Project
- Software Requirements Specifications document template, Process Impact
- Software Requirements Specification Instructions, Texas Department of Information Resources
- Oracle Press; Getting Started with Use Case Modeling, 2005
Software quality: standards & metrics
- The Application of IEEE Software and System Engineering Standards in Support of Software Process Improvement
- Capers, Jones; A Short History of Lines of Code (LOC) metrics, Capers Jones & Associates LLC, 2008
- Capers, Jones; Strengths and Weaknesses of Software Metrics, Software Productivity Research LLC, 2006
- Software Quality Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems, Software Assurance Technology Center, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, 1995
- Mitchell, Áine; Power, James F.; A study of the influence of coverage on the relationship between static and dynamic coupling metrics, Department of Computer Science, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland, 2005
- Grogono, Peter; Software Quality Control, Lecture Notes, Software Assurance Technology Center, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, 1995
- Chidamber and Kemerer Object-Oriented Metrics Suite
- Asuni, Nicola; Barrocu, Nicola; (Prof.) Armano, Giuliano; Metriche del Software, Università degli Studi di Cagliari; materiale prodotto da studenti del corso di Ingegneria del Software, A.A: 2000-2001
- Ameeta, Roy (Tech Lead IBM Software Group): Quality Analysis with Metrics (Slide presentation)
Cost estimation
- An Empirical Validation of Software Cost Estimation Models
- Software Project Cost Estimates Using COCOMO II Model
- COCOMO II official homepage
- Overview of COCOMO using the Costar tool
- An Introduction to Function Point Analysis
- How to Determine Your Application Size Using Function Point Analysis
- Decision Analysis (various decisional models)
Designing & documenting the architecture
- Paul Oldfield: Domain Modeling, Mentors of Cally Ltd.
- Udi Dahan: Employing the Domain Model Pattern, MSDN Magazine, August 2009
- Layered Application, Microsoft Patterns & Practices, MSDN
- Brad Appleton: A Software Design Specification Template
- R.S. Pressman & Associates: Document Templates: Design Specification
Open source software tools
The following list of tools is provided "as-is", without any guarantee that the software indicated here is properly functioning.
- GanttPV (Project management)
- GanttProject (Project management)
- TaskJuggler (Project management)
- OpenProj (Project management)
- Freedcamp (Project management)
- List of Open Source Project Management Tools in Java (Project management)