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Past events
Here I publish some (publicly available) material (including slides, articles, etc.) presented in various conferences concerning both academic and technical author professions. Some resources are in Italian.
- 04-06/09/2008: Italian-Indian Summer School on Advances in Computer Science, Hyderabad (India)
- 03/10/2006: Genova, Doctoral Symposium (satellite event of the MoDELS06 ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems - formerly the UML series of conferences)
- 02/10/2006: Genova, MoDeVa06 Whorkshop (satellite event of the MoDELS06 ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems - formerly the UML series of conferences)
- 22/9/2006: Isola d'Elba, LASER Summer School- Practical Programming Processes: Past, Present, Proposed, Proven, Passable, Polemical - Poster Session.
- Summer 2006: Ciclo seminari su UML e OCL, Universitą degli Studi di Udine