Dr. AndreaBaruzzo

Academic homepage

Software Engineering I - Slides and Exercises

Here students can find the material presented in classroom. Most of the materials are in Italian. In this page I provide also solutions to some exercises which can be used to prepare the final term examination.


Slides and useful links


Exercises and solutions


Past final term examinations

10-01-06| 12-09-06| 12-12-06| 11-01-07| 30-03-07| 20-09-07| 23-09-08| 06-02-09| 26-02-09| 23-07-09| 25-09-09| 02-02-10| 26-02-10| 21-07-10| 06-09-10| 07-02-11| 06-02-12| 03-07-12| 23-07-12| 26-06-13| 24-09-13