Curriculum Vitae
General info
- 27/02/2023 - ongoing: Research Associate
at the University of Udine.
- 01/11/2022 - 26/02/2023: postdoc position at the University of Udine.
- 01/11/2021 - 31/10/2022: postdoc position at the Free University of
- 11/03/2022: obtained the PhD with honors (cum laude) from
University of Udine, defended my PhD Thesis.
- 01/11/2018 - 31/10/2021: PhD student at the Embedded System Unit
in FBK (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) and at University of Udine.
- Received my master degree in Computer Science at University of Udine with final marks
110/110 (cum laude) on March 15th, 2018. The title of my thesis was “One-pass and tree-shaped
tableaux for timed temporal logics” and my supervisor was Angelo Montanari.
- Born on 23/10/1993 in Udine, Italy.
- PhD Award 2023 for the scientific area at University of Udine.
- Honorable mention for the Marco Cadoli Award 2023
from the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA).
- Best Paper Award at SEFM 2021 (the 19th International Conference on
Software Engineering and Formal Methods) for the paper “Fairness,
Assumptions, and Guarantees for Extended Bounded Response LTL+P
- Award for the best graduated student of the master degree
in Computer Science of University of Udine in the academic year
- Winner for the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science,
and Physics of University of Udine of the award made available by the
“Federazione delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo del Friuli Venezia
Giulia” for my master thesis.
Program Committee
- IJCAI’24, ECAI’24, KR’24
- IJCAI’23, ICLP’23 (Doctoral Consortium), GandALF’23 (Organizing Committee), Overlay’23
- Co-chair of Overlay’22
- Overlay’21
Review Service
- IJCAI’24, ECAI’24, JLAMP, JALC, Logics, Information Systems
- JAAMAS, JAIR, JLAMP, IJCAI’23, ICLP’23 (Doctoral Consortium), GandALF’23
(Organizing Committee), Overlay’23
- STACS’22, SWAT’22, Journal of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
- TACAS’20, ECAI’20, CONCUR’20, FSTTCS’20, GandALF’20, NFM’20, RuleMLRR’20
- IJCAI’19, SEFM’19