Tutorial on Temporal Representation and Reasoning in Interval Temporal Logics (ECAI 2014)

Angelo Montanari, Pietro Sala, and Dario Della Monica


The tutorial aims at giving an account on research in interval temporal logics, with a particular attention to the fragments of Halpern and Shoham's modal logic of time intervals. Interval-based temporal reasoning naturally arises in a variety of AI areas, including knowledge representation and reasoning, temporal planning and maintenance, temporal constraints, theories of actions and events, and event processing. Moreover, it plays a significant role in other fields of computer science, such as theoretical computer science, temporal databases, and computational linguistics.

Our goal is to give an up-to-date and comprehensive description of the state of the art in the field of interval temporal logics. We will illustrate methods and techniques that have been used to deal with the most relevant problems, namely, expressiveness, decidability and complexity of the satisfiability and model checking problems, and reasoning techniques. A special emphasis will be given to the tableau-based methods for interval temporal reasoning. We will conclude the tutorial with a short list of open problems and current research directions.

The natural target of the tutorial are PhD students and researchers who are interested in logical approaches to AI problems. In addition, it is definitely of interest to people dealing with temporal representation and reasoning issues in classical AI application domains, such as, for instance, planning, synthesis, and model-based reasoning.

There are no specific prerequisites, apart from some familiarity with the basics of (propositional) logic and complexity theory. Background knowledge about modal and (point-based) temporal logics would help, but it is not necessary.

The structure of the tutorial:
Part I: a road map;
Part II: decision procedures and tableau systems;
Part III: expressiveness issues.