Summer School on Advances in Computer Science in Hyderabad (India), September 2008
In this page you can find some materials (slides, models, and photos) about the summer school held in Hyderabad, India, on September, 4-6 2008.
I presented an introduction to UML, illustrating some issues concerning software development which can be better tacked using a visual notation. I introduced the concept of models, use cases and use case diagrams to elicit requirements (both functional and non-functional), class diagrams to visualize the system structure, and sequence diagrams to skecth behavioral scenarios.
UML model
AAs a simple demonstration of the use of modeling in software development, I sketched some parts of a simple videogame application in a UML model. The model is at the analysis level, resulting from a first discussion focused on finding entities, relations, and use cases.
The UML modeling tool Enterprise Architect used during the exercises can be downloaded from:
where you can find a trial version, a free readed, and a commercial version.