My research interests
My research can be divided in five main areas (see my
publications for more details):
- Information retrieval (IR). I am interested in
both theoretical and practical aspects of IR. From the
theoretical-foundational side, I reflect on the notions of
information, information need and relevance: is it possible to
formally define such concepts and to give a formal cognitive-epistemic
framework for IR? How many, and which, types of relevance are there?
From the practical side, I am interested in using artificial
intelligence techniques to improve the effectiveness of the
reformulation phase and to model the task that a user of an
information retrieval system has to perform with the retrieved
information. I am also interested in the issue of the evaluation of IR
systems: I participated in some experiments and I proposed a new
measure of IR effectiveness.
- (in Italian: ascolta
radiofonica sul Web Information Retrieval)
- Digital libraries and scholarly publishing. I
proposed a new model for the
dissemination of scholarly knowledge, an electronic scholarly journal
in which the standard submission-review-publication process is
replaced by an approach based on judgments expressed by the
readers. The aim is to demonstrate that it is possible to have a
reasonable quality even without peer review. Readersourcing
- Mobile and Wireless devices. Recently, I started
to study how to access information with mobile and wireless devices
(cell phones, PDAs, ...).
- Philosophical and cognitive aspects of artificial
intelligence (AI). I am interested in epistemological
problems of AI: I started asking myself questions like "What is
knowledge? Information? Data? Meaning?"
- Natural language processing (NLP). I am
interested in semantic-pragmatic aspects of NLP (or Computational
Linguistics), namely temporal presuppositions (i.e. problems related
to the use of the words `before' and `after' in natural language) and
counterfactuals (i.e. sentences - or utterances - referring to a
non-real course of events). I developed the recursive
models, a computational tool for modeling, at a
semantic-pragmatic level, utterances containing these linguistic
phenomena, and I implemented a computer system that uses the recursive
models for interacting in natural language with the user.
About this site
Last modified: 2007-09-05