In developing these pages I tried to carefully follow the standards and guidelines provided by the WWW consortium (W3C), and to avoid proprietary standards and techonologies. I used XHTML 1.1 and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), among the latest versions of the standards. They feature a complete separation between content and presentation and a high accessibility by impaired people, browsers on mobile devices, etc.
I also validated all the pages by means of the XHTML and CSS validating services made available by the W3C. Therefore, this web site is correctly rendered by all browsers complying with W3C specifications (last generation browsers do), and it should anyway degrade in a graceful way with other (mainly old generation) browsers, that should be able to present the content even though in a slightly different way.
This site has been developed with XEmacs, a free text editor. To check the correct visualization I have relied on the Mozilla web browser, freely available as well.
Feel free to e-mail me if you have comments and/or questions.