LaTeX Packages Marco Comini

LaTeX Packages/Classes of Marco Comini

This list contains (recent) LaTeX Packages/Classes I have developed.

The package “PhDThesis” provides the official standard class to write either PhD, Master and Bachelor theses for Computer Science students at the University of Udine. It contains also variants for the Universities of Pisa, Venezia and Valencia.

The package “Udine-thesis-templates” contains detailed templates for a quick start.

  1. Udine-thesis-templates 2015/03/21 (needs also PhdThesis)
  2. PhdThesis 2015/03/10
  3. Theorems 2015/04/01

To install the files: (run make or otherwise)
simply typeset (tex/latex/pdflatex) the .ins files and then move the produced files (.cls, .sdf, .sty) plus all the eventual .eps and .pdf to a place where LaTeX will find it. (Obviously the same place where your document is will always do)

To get the documentation: (if you issued make you already have it!)
typeset (latex/pdflatex) the <file>.dtx file, then generate the index with makeindex -s <file>.ist <file> and then typeset again.

Here are also some general instructions about writing a Thesis using the previous templates.