The class for writing a Thesis at the Computer Science Department of Udine

Marco Comini
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Udine,
Via delle Scienze, 206 - 33100 Udine - Italy


The PhDthesis class is to be used by PhD students at the Computer Science Department of Udine to write their Thesis.

The class can be used also for writing Graduate and Master's Thesis for corso di laurea in informatica

The example thesis-base.tex can be used as a starting skeleton to write your own.

There's also the additional package theorems which provides lot's of theorem-like environments with different layout, customizable via the package options. It also provides some useful extensions for writing mathematical stuff.


Download the sources (.tgz=.tar.gz)
  1. PhdThesis
  2. Theorems
  3. Udine-templates


If you're not an experienced manager of your LaTeX system and don't know/want/need to install the stuff in a global place, beware that (for everything to work fine) you can simply move all the files within the same folder where you have yours thesis and then typeset the .ins files, nothing more.

Instructions on how to write the thesis (and use the class) for Udine's Students

  1. Use the right example base file as the starting point! That gives exactly the structure of your thesis that you have to follow. Start by filling in the title, your name, the supervisor's name, etc. Then just organize your chapters in proper files (and copy within these what you have already written) and put the corresponding includes in the base file.
  2. It is recommended to produce a PDF by using pdflatex
  3. For more details about the class commands read the documentation. It is fully detailed even if not maybe easy to read. (I'm fully open to suggestions to improve readability)
  4. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS produced by tex while typesetting (especially if you have some about class/packages older than the ones requested)
  5. Beware that even if your typesetting system loads the babel package and thus captions are produced in your chosen language, hyphenations may not be correct. You have to check (while typesetting) that the language you're using shows up in a string like
    Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for ... loaded
    otherwise you have to follow the local instructions on your system to rebuild the (Pdf)LaTeX format. Moreover be careful to use the language option as a global option (within \documentclass) otherwise all the classes/packages won't be aware of it and won't produce the right captions.
  6. [For PhD Students] Note that the resulting document of the Camera Ready option (if correctly typesetted) is exactly as the publisher's printout. The page will just be cut leaving approximately a 1cm margin all around the printed area (final page dimensions will be 16x23.5). Use the normal option if you want to produce a normal A4 paper printout to be delivered to other people (or to put on your home page)