AVSS 2011 - Workshop
Resources AWare Sensor and surveillance NETworkS (RAWSNETS)
In the real applications domain, monitoring technology has to cope with different constraints that open to interesting research topics. In particular in context of sensor networks three main resources present strong limitations: a)Communication, b) Computational Power and c) Power Consumption. All these limitations become more evident with the increase of the number of sensors deployed by the network. These limitations require a sort of awareness of the system that can take measures to adapt its performance or operability in order to adhere to the constraints. In the context of video sensor networks, the bandwidth limitation strongly upper-bounds the amount of data that each node/camera can share through the network. Hence distributed and hierarchic models have gained major interest against centric models. Anyhow, distributed knowledge still require information sharing for consensus policies. Information sharing requires information extraction that hence has to be handled as close as possible to the data acquisition. This foresees smart sensors able to perform as many as possible analysis of the data. Currently this is bound by the computational power available on-board of embedded platforms. Limited computational power implies to work on simpler data (low resolution images, low frame rate, etc.) or to adapt the quality of the data as consequence of its content (event or not). On top of that, the mobility of the sensor networks (ad hoc deployments, moving sensors, etc.) introduces the third limitation that is represented by the power consumption. Power, in these networks, is not unlimited, it is a paramount resource. Saving power means sustain the operability of the network. Properly switching on and off the sensors allows to save power. Switching on and off policies are fundamental and should be based on the assessment of the sensor importance at each time instant. It is clear that methods to control the analysis parameters of the sensor network together with algorithms able to manage the network in terms of communication, computational power and consumption are key research areas for future resource aware sensor networks.
The workshop will be organized as a round table where all the participants can interact in an active manner. A keynote speaker will be individuated to give wide introduction about the research field and propose different discussion topics. Around the keynote speech, participants will be asked to contribute to the discussion.
Keynote Speech
Prof M.S. Kankhanalli
The workshop will take place in Klagenfurt at the conference venue of AVSS starting on Tuesday August 30th at 14:00 with the following program:
14:00-14:05 | Welcome - Dr. Christian Micheloni |
14:05-14:45 | Prof. M.S. Kankanhalli - Keynote speech:"Design Issues in Multi-Camera Systems" |
14:45-15:00 | Coffee-Break |
15:00-15:15 | O.Lanz and T.Hu,"Dynamic Resource Allocation for Probabilistic Tracking via Attentive Sensing and Sampling" |
15:15-15-30 | C. Piciarelli and G.L. Foresti, "PTZ network configuration for optimal 3D coverage" |
15:30-15:45 | B. Dieber and B. Rinner, "Resource-Aware Sensor Selection and Task Assignment" |
15:45-16:00 | F. Qureshi, "Activity Aware Video Collection to Minimize Resource Usage in Smart Camera Nodes" |
16:00-16:15 | A. Lanza, M. Magno, D. Brunelli, L. Di Stefano and L. Benini, "Energy-Aware Objects Abandon / Removal Detection" |
16:15-16:30 | S. S. Bhattacharyya, W. Plishker, N. Sane, C.-C. Shen, H.-H. Wu, "Modeling and Optimization of Dynamic Signal Processing in Resource-Aware Sensor Networks" |
16:30-16:45 | M.Baktashmotlagh, A. Bigdeli and B.C. Lovell, "Dynamic Resource Aware Sensor Networks: Integration of Sensor Cloud and ERPs" |
16:45-17:30 | Round table discussion and conclusions |
The workshop will be hosted at University of Klagenfurt like for the main AVSS conference venue
Dr. Christian Micheloni -
Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy
Prof. Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury -
University of California, Riverside, U.S.A.
Program Committee
Prof. Bernhard Rinner - University of Klagenfurt
Prof. Gian Luca Foresti - University of Udine
Prof. Marilyn C Wolf - Georgia Tech
Prof. Shuvra Bhattachary - University of Maryland, USA.
Dr. Abbas Bigdeli - NICTA
Prof. K. Kyamakya - University of Klagenfurt
Financed by | |||
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Supported by Interreg Italy-Austria | |||
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