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Structure prediction (simplified PF-2D)

CLP(FD) code for the optimization problem: (SICStus) (GNU-prolog) (BProlog)

ASP code for the optimization problem:
protein-h20.lp (sample code for the instance $ h^{20}$)

Protein folding. Optimization problem.

Symbol `-' denotes no answer within 30 hours of CPU-time.
Instance Optimization problem
Sequence Length Min SISCtus BProlog GNU-Prolog SModels
$ h^{10}$ 10 -4 0.13 0.11 0.03 0.74
$ h^{15}$ 15 -8 5.50 5.80 3.15 10.61
$ h^{20}$ 20 -12 766.22 1478.14 148.53 1679.79
$ h^{25}$ 25 -16 103962.57 - 19266.30 -
$ (hpp)^3h$ 10 -4 0.10 $ <$0.01 $ <$0.01 0.51
$ (hpp)^{5}h$ 16 -6 0.22 0.49 0.15 22.33
$ (hpp)^{7}h$ 22 -8 46.87 104.74 38.18 1059.86
$ (hpp)^{9}h$ 28 -10 14007.07 50310.17 6574.70 -

Protein folding. Decision problem.

Symbol `-' denotes no answer within 5 hours of CPU-time. Symbol `*' denotes abnormal termination of the solver.
Instance Decision problem
Sequence Length Min SISCtus BProlog GNU-Prolog SModels CModels
              mChaff Simo relsat zChaff
$ h^{10}$ 10 -4 $ <$0.01 $ <$0.01 $ <$0.01 0.53 1.01 0.62 4.70 0.22
$ h^{15}$ 15 -8 0.05 0.03 0.11 2.29 2.73 5.29 72.05 0.73
$ h^{20}$ 20 -12 0.50 0.81 0.20 28.23 52.43 1685.03 1014.67 (*)
$ h^{25}$ 25 -16 1664.35 5302.06 659.43 2169.49 2620.94 - - (*)
$ (hpp)^3h$ 10 -4 $ <$0.01 $ <$0.01 $ <$0.01 0.35 0.33 0.97 0.80 0.18
$ (hpp)^{5}h$ 16 -6 0.08 0.14 0.07 16.06 15.94 34.34 321.85 5.13
$ (hpp)^{7}h$ 22 -8 5.52 10.76 8.40 96.45 1609.75 84.67 1811.85 (*)
$ (hpp)^{9}h$ 28 -10 2815.62 9916.22 1951.56 2309.14 5813.23 424.56 15300.57 (*)

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Last update: 21-12-2005 by andy