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Schur numbers

CLP(FD) code: (SICStus-ff: ff as labeling option) (SICStus-leftmost': leftmost strategy in labeling and force 1 and 2) (GNU-prolog-leftmost': leftmost strategy in labeling and force 1 and 2) (Bprolog-ff': ff strategy in labeling and force 1 and 2)

ASP code:

Schur numbers.

Regarding CLP runs: ff (first-fail) and leftmost are labeling strategy. Where ff' (resp. leftmost') is indicated, we used usual ff (resp. leftmost) strategy and forced the first two elements to belong to the first two parts (i.e. numbers 1 and 2 are forced to be assigned to partitions 1 and 2, respectively).

Symbol `-' denotes no answer within 30 minutes of CPU-time. Symbol `*' denotes abnormal termination of the solver.
Instance is $ Schur(P)\geq N$?
$ \langle P,N\rangle$   LParse SModels CModels SICStus GNU-Prolog B-Prolog
        mChaff Simo relsat zChaff ff leftmost ff' leftmost' ff' leftmost' ff'
$ \langle 4,43\rangle$ Y 0.06 0.27 0.25 1.59 0.36 0.34 2.49 0.04 2.78 0.03 0.31 $ <$0.01 0.58
$ \langle 4,44\rangle$ Y 0.06 0.29 3.37 3.50 2.73 0.57 4.14 20.84 4.44 20.72 0.56 0.97 1.16
$ \langle 4,45\rangle$ N 0.06 510.01 892.54 299.33 23.28 122.87 - - - 1204.86 - 53.04 -
$ \langle 4,46\rangle$ N 0.07 561.80 813.73 196.47 22.33 92.58 - - - 1340.64 - 54.58 -
$ \langle 4,47\rangle$ N 0.07 767.80 791.37 295.70 28.15 107.87 - - - 1473.02 - 56.16 -
$ \langle 4,48\rangle$ N 0.07 978.84 805.69 312.28 34.56 61.84 - - - 1565.28 - 57.11 -
$ \langle 4,49\rangle$ N 0.07 1258.57 679.20 216.00 33.90 87.01 - - - 1698.08 - 58.42 -
$ \langle 5,109\rangle$ Y 0.47 - 14.05 0.90 - * 0.46 0.18 0.43 0.13 0.05 0.05 0.14
$ \langle 5,110\rangle$ Y 0.48 - 33.29 0.84 - * 54.75 0.16 55.08 0.14 5.78 0.05 26.19
$ \langle 5,111\rangle$ Y 0.48 - 0.53 14.69   * 57.14 0.14 57.19 0.16 5.80 0.05 27.15
$ \langle 5,112\rangle$ Y 0.50 - 0.55 0.73   0.53 58.46 0.18 58.56 0.16 5.73 0.05 28.59
$ \langle 5,113\rangle$ Y 0.51 - 0.55 0.85   * 207.80 0.19 207.98 0.16 3.79 0.05 103.76
$ \langle 5,114\rangle$ Y 0.52 - 11.75 0.77   * 1037.88 0.16 1038.86 0.16 3.93 0.05 490.60
$ \langle 5,115\rangle$ Y 0.52 - 82.48 1.22   * 1074.24 8.53 1076.42 8.63 4.27 0.51 501.90
$ \langle 5,116\rangle$ Y 0.53 - 60.47 1.06   * 1110.47 8.88 1116.71 8.92 4.44 0.51 523.90
$ \langle 5,117\rangle$ Y 0.54 - 762.91 0.81 - * 1149.36 9,62 1156.06 9.74 2.62 0.56 533.59
$ \langle 5,118\rangle$ Y 0.55 - 21.84 5.17   * 1192.68 10.16 1197.82 10.19 4.68 0.56 558.57
$ \langle 5,119\rangle$ Y 0.57 - - 8.44   * 1233.69 66.75 1239.31 66.95 5.19 3.59 571.96

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Last update: 21-12-2005 by andy