This challenge explores all matches of Italian soccer Serie A league from 1993 to 2019.


  1. Import data by scraping (alternatively, download the dataset). Select only columns Date, HomeTeam, AwayTeam, FTHG, FTAG and filter rows with a valid (not NA) Date.
  2. using dplyr and tidyr packages (no for loops!), compute statistics for every team (matches, wins, loses, draws, points, points per match). Hint: mutate a column with the outcome of the match (for instance, H = home teams wins, A = away team wins, P = draw). Then group by team and outcome (home and away) and hence spread the outcome.
  3. Which teams played more matches? Which teams lead the points ranking? Which teams lead the average number of points per match ranking?
# prepare link structure
link1 = ""
link2 = "/I1.csv"
# first solution
years = sprintf("%02d", c(seq(93, 99), seq(0, 19)))
# second solution
years = c(as.character(seq(93, 99)), str_c("0", as.character(seq(0, 9))), as.character(seq(10, 19)))
# link vector
nseasons = length(years)-1
links = str_c(link1, str_c(years[1:nseasons], years[2:(nseasons+1)]), link2)

# scrape data
# make a list of lists (each list element is a season)
l = vector("list", nseasons)
for (i in 1:nseasons) {
  # read the season dataset
  l[[i]] = read_csv(links[i])
# name the seasons with years
names(l) = years[1:nseasons]

# clean data (filter columns and rows)
for (i in 1:nseasons) {
  l[[i]] = l[[i]] %>% 
    select(Date, HomeTeam, AwayTeam, FTHG, FTAG) %>%
    filter(!, !, ! %>% 
    mutate(Date = dmy(Date)) 

# combine seasons in a unique data frame
history = list()
for (i in 1:nseasons) {
  history = rbind(history, l[[i]])

# save data on disk
write_csv(history, "history.csv")
history = read_csv("history.csv")

# home statistics
dfH = history %>% 
  mutate(outcome = ifelse(FTHG > FTAG, "H", ifelse(FTHG < FTAG, "A", "D"))) %>% 
  count(HomeTeam, outcome) %>% 
  spread(key = outcome, value = n) %>% 
  rename(team = HomeTeam, winsHome = H, drawsHome = D, losesHome = A) %>% 
  mutate(winsHome = ifelse(, 0, winsHome), 
         drawsHome = ifelse(, 0, drawsHome), 
         losesHome = ifelse(, 0, losesHome)) %>% 
  select(team, winsHome, drawsHome, losesHome) %>% 
  mutate(pointsHome = 3*winsHome + drawsHome) %>% 

# away statistics
dfA = history %>%
  mutate(outcome = ifelse(FTHG > FTAG, "H", ifelse(FTHG < FTAG, "A", "D"))) %>% 
  count(AwayTeam, outcome) %>% 
  spread(key = outcome, value = n) %>% 
  rename(team = AwayTeam, winsAway = A, drawsAway = D, losesAway = H) %>% 
  mutate(winsAway = ifelse(, 0, winsAway), 
         drawsAway = ifelse(, 0, drawsAway), 
         losesAway = ifelse(, 0, losesAway)) %>% 
  mutate(pointsAway = 3*winsAway + drawsAway) %>% 

# overall statistics
rating = inner_join(dfH, dfA) %>% 
  mutate(wins = winsHome + winsAway, 
         draws = drawsHome + drawsAway,
         loses = losesHome + losesAway, 
         points = pointsHome + pointsAway,
         matches = wins + loses + draws,
         pointsPerMatch = points / matches) %>% 
  select(team, matches, points, pointsPerMatch, everything()) %>% 