This challenge explores all matches of Italian soccer Serie A league from 1993 to 2019.
# prepare link structure
link1 = ""
link2 = "/I1.csv"
# first solution
years = sprintf("%02d", c(seq(93, 99), seq(0, 19)))
# second solution
years = c(as.character(seq(93, 99)), str_c("0", as.character(seq(0, 9))), as.character(seq(10, 19)))
# link vector
nseasons = length(years)-1
links = str_c(link1, str_c(years[1:nseasons], years[2:(nseasons+1)]), link2)
# scrape data
# make a list of lists (each list element is a season)
l = vector("list", nseasons)
for (i in 1:nseasons) {
# read the season dataset
l[[i]] = read_csv(links[i])
# name the seasons with years
names(l) = years[1:nseasons]
# clean data (filter columns and rows)
for (i in 1:nseasons) {
l[[i]] = l[[i]] %>%
select(Date, HomeTeam, AwayTeam, FTHG, FTAG) %>%
filter(!, !, ! %>%
mutate(Date = dmy(Date))
# combine seasons in a unique data frame
history = list()
for (i in 1:nseasons) {
history = rbind(history, l[[i]])
# save data on disk
write_csv(history, "history.csv")
history = read_csv("history.csv")
# home statistics
dfH = history %>%
mutate(outcome = ifelse(FTHG > FTAG, "H", ifelse(FTHG < FTAG, "A", "D"))) %>%
count(HomeTeam, outcome) %>%
spread(key = outcome, value = n) %>%
rename(team = HomeTeam, winsHome = H, drawsHome = D, losesHome = A) %>%
mutate(winsHome = ifelse(, 0, winsHome),
drawsHome = ifelse(, 0, drawsHome),
losesHome = ifelse(, 0, losesHome)) %>%
select(team, winsHome, drawsHome, losesHome) %>%
mutate(pointsHome = 3*winsHome + drawsHome) %>%
# away statistics
dfA = history %>%
mutate(outcome = ifelse(FTHG > FTAG, "H", ifelse(FTHG < FTAG, "A", "D"))) %>%
count(AwayTeam, outcome) %>%
spread(key = outcome, value = n) %>%
rename(team = AwayTeam, winsAway = A, drawsAway = D, losesAway = H) %>%
mutate(winsAway = ifelse(, 0, winsAway),
drawsAway = ifelse(, 0, drawsAway),
losesAway = ifelse(, 0, losesAway)) %>%
mutate(pointsAway = 3*winsAway + drawsAway) %>%
# overall statistics
rating = inner_join(dfH, dfA) %>%
mutate(wins = winsHome + winsAway,
draws = drawsHome + drawsAway,
loses = losesHome + losesAway,
points = pointsHome + pointsAway,
matches = wins + loses + draws,
pointsPerMatch = points / matches) %>%
select(team, matches, points, pointsPerMatch, everything()) %>%