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The XML declaration

XML documents can have an XML declaration. If present, the XML declaration must be the first thing in the document (not even a white space may precede it). It starts with <?xml, ends with ?>, and must have the pseudo-attribute version and possibly encoding and standalone. The meaning of the pseudo-attributes is the following:

For instance, the following line declares a standalone XML document in version 1.0 with an ISO-8859-1 encoding (ASCII plus the characters for most Western European languages)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>

Since XML documents are written in Unicode, you can use it to write multilingual documents. In such documents, it is useful to identify in which language a particular section is written. For instance, a multilingual spell-checker might check the spelling of sections in different languages. Each XML element may have an xml:lang attribute that specifies the language of the content of the element. Language codes are defined in ISO-639. An example follows:

<paragraph xml:lang="en">
The following is a Greek maxim saying: "The wise man knows himself".

<maxim xml:lang="el">
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Caff�XML - Massimo Franceschet