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JAXP tools

In this page we summarize the XML tools we have built in this section using JAXP. All tools but XMLTrans use the error handler ValidHandler; XMLTrans uses the error handler TransHandler:

A DTD validating parser based on SAX. Usage is:
java SAXValid document.xml
The DTD must be specificed in the XML document using a DTD declaration.
A DTD validating parser based on DOM. Usage is:
java DOMValid document.xml
The DTD must be specificed in the XML document using a DTD declaration.
A W3C Schema validating parser. Works with stream, SAX and DOM input sources. Usage is:
java XMLValid -s (stream|sax|dom) document.xml [schema.xsd]
The schema can be specificed either from command line or in the XML document using a xsi:schemaLocation attribute. Option -s specifies how the XML instance document should be read: as a stream of text (stream), as a stream of events (sax) or as a node tree (dom).
An XSLT processor. Usage is:
java XMLTrans document.xml stylesheet.xsl
An XPath processor. Usage is:
java XPathEval query -r (nodeset|string|number|boolean) document.xml
where query is a string with the query and the -r option specifies the query result type. It returns the query result in XML format.
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Caffè XML - Massimo Franceschet