Seminar on “Designing and Building Advanced Analytics for Cloud-based Applications”!

Dr. Eric Little, Adjunct Professor at the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, New York University and VP and Chief Scientist at Modus Operandi in Melbourne, FL, will give a seminar on “Designing and Building Advanced Analytics for Cloud-based Applications” within “I Mercoledì del DIMI” at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Leaflet: Designing and Building Advanced Analytics for Cloud-based Applications

The seminar will cover the most recent research activity carried out by Dr. Little and his team.

Please contact me for any information on the seminar.

Informatica Applicata alla Didattica

A seguito della riforma ministeriale del Corso di Laurea in Formazione Primaria, dall’a.a. 2011/12 il corso di Informatica Applicata alla Didattica non viene più offerto. Si faccia riferimento alla pagina del corso per uleriori informazioni