University of Udine
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science |
Welcome to Dikran Dikranjan's home page
Professor in Algebra
monte Ararat
Algebraic aspects of Topological Groups, Rings and Modules
Algebraic structure of topological groups
Description of linear compactness of rings through endomorphisms
Minimal topologies on rings and their connection to Krull dimension
Combinatorial aspects of (topological and abstract) groups
Connections between the algebraic structure of topological groups and some
of their functorial posets
Large and small sets in (topological and abstract) groups
Combinatorial properties of continuous maps between groups endowed with
functorial topologies
Compact groups and their generalizations
minimal groups and compact representations of groups
countably compact groups and pseudocompact groups
compact group close to Lie groups
the impact of compactness-like properties of the topological groups on
their dimension and (dis)connectedness
Category theory
Closure operators and their application to algebra, topology and discrete
Dualities between categories of topological modules
Uniform and quasi uniform spaces
Uniform continuity and its generalizations
Cowell-poweredness of categories of quasi uniform spaces
Bureaucratic Activities
Member of the Evaluation Committee of
Department of Mathematics and Computer
University of Udine
Via delle Scienze, 208 -- Loc. Rizzi
33100 Udine
-- Italy
office: 2nd floor, room 17SN; office
hours Monday 16 p.m. - 18 p.m., or by appointment.
phone: +39 0432 558 488
fax: +39 0432 558 499
e-mail: dikranjan@dimi.uniud.it