

Professor of Computer Science

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Former Head of the
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Information

Personal Information
Major Publications
List of All Publications
Research Interests
Current Projects
Teaching Activities
Conferences and Other Events

Services for Students

Study Materials
Topics for TESI di LAUREA

Personal Information

Carlo Tasso is Full Professor of Computer Science at Faculty of Sciences of the Univeristy of Udine. In 1984 he founded the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the same University, where he is currently responsible of several research projects in the area of artificial intelligence and knowledge - based systems. He has lectured also at the Master in Computer Science jointly organized by the University of Houston and the University of Udine.
More specifically his research projects have included intelligent interfaces for information retrieval and information filtering, user modeling, multiple modeling of physical systems, diagnostic knowledge-based systems, student modeling, intelligent tutoring systems, natural language interfaces, knowledge representation methods for natural language texts.
He is the author of more than 80 scientific publications. He is member of AAAI and ACL, and one of the founders of the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence.
He has been engaged in several research and development projects in the area of artificial intelligence and expert systems in industrial environment.
He organized international schools and conferences in the area of knowledge - based systems.
He cooperates since many years with the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences where he is the Scientific Editor of the series CISM courses and Lectures published by Springer Verlang Wien - New York.

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Major Publications

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Research Interests

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Current Projects

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Teaching Activities

Carlo Tasso teaches the following courses:

Knowledge Engineering and Expert Systems -1 (Ingegneria della Conoscenza e Sistemi Esperti - 1)

Knowledge Engineering and Expert Systems -2 (Ingegneria della Conoscenza e Sistemi Esperti - 2)

Laboratory of Knowledge Engineering and Expert Systems (Laboratorio di Ingegneria della Conoscenza e Sistemi Esperti)

Software Engineering - 1 (Ingegneria del Software - 1)

Programming Techniques (Tecniche di programmazione)

Risultati degli esami dell'appello di INGEGNERIA DEL SOFTWARE 1 (prova scritta: 30 Marzo 2001): Sono disponibili su SINDY. Per la registrazione o correzione contattare il docente via mail.

I risultati della prova d'esame sono consultabili su SINDY .

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Conferences and Other Events

Carlo Tasso has been the general chair of UM97, the 6th International Conference on User Modeling that was held in Chia Laguna (Sardinia - Italy) on June 2-5, 1997.
He has been one of the chairmen of SQE97, International Conference on Softwere Quality Engineering, which was held in Udine on May 5-7, 1997.
He has been one of the chairmen of AIENG '95, 10th International Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, which was held in Udine on July 1995.

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Detailed syllabus of the courses

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Topics for TESI di LAUREA

Several topics for Tesi di Laurea are available.
The proposals concern:

- reserch thesis with experimental activity and evaluation of results
- implementation-oriented work, within larger research projects (FIRE, IFT, etc.)
The specific topics are:

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For a Contact:
2nd floor, room 24 Stecca Nord
Via delle Scienze, 208--Loc.Rizzi-33100 Udine--Italy
phone:+39(+432)558449 - fax:558499 - email: