[E9] Goranko V., Montanari A. (eds.), Special issue on Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, Vol. 14, no. 1-2, Edition Hermes-Lavoisier, 2004, Editorial pp. 7-8.

[C43] Montanari A., Puppis G., "Decidability of MSO Theories of Tree Structures". Proceedings of the     24th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), LNCS 3328, Springer, Chennai, India, December 2004, pp. 430-442.

[C42] Bresolin D., Montanari A., Puppis G., "Time Granularities and Ultimately Periodic Automata". Proceedings of JELIA 2004: 9th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3229, Springer, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2004, pp. 513-525.

[C41] Montanari A., Puppis G., "Decidability of the Theory of the Totally Unbounded Omega-Layered Structure". Proceedings of TIME 2004: 11th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME), IEEE Computer Society Press, Tatihou, Basse Normandie, France, July 2004, pp. 156-160.

[J28] Goranko V., Montanari A., Sciavicco G., "A Road Map of Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi",     Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, vol. 14, no. 1-2, 2004, pp. 9-54.

[J27] Franceschet M., Montanari A., de Rijke, M., "Model checking for combined logics with an application to mobile systems",     Automated Software Engineering, Special Issue on Distributed and Mobile Software Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol. 11, no. 3, June 2004, pp. 289-321.

[J26] Franceschet M., Montanari A., "Temporalized Logics and Automata for Time Granularity",     Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Special Issue on Verification and Computational Logic, vol. 4, no. 5, 2004.

[RR30] Montanari A., Puppis G.,  Decidability of MSO Theories of Tree Structures. Rapporto di Ricerca 01/2004. Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica, Università di Udine, January 2004 (extended version of [C43]).