[B1] Montanari A.,"Metric and Layered Temporal Logic for Time Granularity". ILLC Dissertation Series, 1996-02, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, September 1996.

[E1] Chittaro L., Goodwin S., Hamilton H., Montanari A. (eds.), "TIME-96: Proocedings of the Third International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning". ISBN 0-8186-7528-4, IEEE Computer Society Press, May 1996.

[C21] Montanari A., Cervesato A., Chittaro L., "A General Modal Framework for the Event Calculus and its Skeptical and Credulous Variants". Proceedings of ECAI'96: 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, A. Wahlster (Ed.), Budapest, Hungary, John Wiley & Sons Publishers, August 1996, pp. 33-37.

[C20] D'Agostino G., Montanari A., Policriti A., "Set-theoretic decidability results for modal theorem proving". Proceedings of ICTCS'95: 5th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1996, pp. 326-342 (abstract in Mathematical Reviews 98d:03020).

[J9] Chittaro L., Montanari A., "Trends in Temporal Representation and Reasoning".     The Knowledge Engineering Review, vol. 11, no. 3, September 1996, pp. 281-288.

[J8] Chittaro L., Montanari A., "Efficient temporal reasoning in the Cached Event Calculus".     Computational Intelligence, vol. 12, no. 3, August 1996, pp. 359-382 (a summary appeared in Mathematical Reviews 97g:68207).

[J7] Montanari A., Policriti A.,   Decidability results for metric and layered temporal logics.     Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, vol. 37, n. 2, Spring 1996, pp. 260-282 (a summary appeared in Mathematical Reviews 97e:03014).