- Teoria e metodi di approssimazione (Approximation theory and practice), MSc in Mathematics
- Metodi numerici per equazioni differenziali (Numerical methods for differential equations), MSc in Mathematics
- Calcolo scientifico (Scientific computing), BSc in Computer science
- Metodi numerici per equazioni differenziali (Numerical methods for differential equations), Scuola Superiore
PhD theses
- Dimitri Breda, Numerical computation of characteristic roots for delay differential equations, U. Padova, 2004 (co-supervisor Stefano Maset)
- Francesca Scarabel, Capture the past to portray the future: Numerical bifurcation analysis of delay equations, with a focus on population dynamics, U. Helsinki, 2018, co-supervisor (supervisor Mats Gyllenberg, co-supervisor Odo Diekmann)
Recent MSc theses
- Ilaria Fontana, Numerical bifurcation of equations with infinite delay via pseudospectral collocation, MSc in Mathematics, 2017/18, in collaboration with U. Helsinki
- Martina Meinero, Study of transitions in continuous annealing processes, MSc in Mathematics, 2016/17, co-advisor (advisor Dimitri Breda)
- Andrea Zamolo, Polynomial chaos expansion with applications to delay differential equations, MSc in Mathematics, 2016/17
- Cristina Girotto, Numerical simulation of thermal transients in metal rolling, MSc in Mathematics, 2015/16
- Luca Fenzi, Polynomial chaos theory: Application to the stability of uncertain delay differential equations, MSc in Mathematics, 2015/16
- Francesca Scarabel, Numerical methods to study the dynamics of retarded functional differential equations, MSc in Mathematics, 2012/13
- Lorenzo Contento, The discrete Legendre transform and its application to phase separation in electrolytes, MSc in Mathematics, 2011/12 (co-advisor Alexandre Ern)
Recent BSc theses
- Leonardo Amato, Algoritmi in tempo reale di classificazione single-trail di dati EEG, BSc in Computer science, 2020/21 (co-advisor Fabrizio Manzino, CyNexo & SISSA).
Theses proposals
- Convolution quadrature formulas
I am the contact professor for the Erasmus+ student exchange programme between the University of Udine and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.
- Information for outgoing and incoming exchange students at the University of Udine
- Information for exchange students at NTNU
- List of available courses at NTNU (remember to check the “Trondheim” and “Taught in English” boxes; the departments of Mathematical Scineces and of Computer Science are part of the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering)