Tidy data

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” –– Leo Tolstoy

Tidy data

The data scientist manages variables, observations and values:

  1. A variable is a quantity or quality that you can measure
  2. A value is the state of a variable when you measure it
  3. An observation is a set of measurements of variables made under similar conditions

Tidy data

There are three interrelated rules which make a dataset tidy:

  1. Put each variable in a column
  2. Put each observation in a row
  3. Put each value in a cell

Tidy data

Why ensure that your data is tidy? There are two main advantages:

  1. if you have a consistent data structure, it’s easier to learn the tools that work with it because they have an underlying uniformity
  2. there’s a specific advantage to placing variables in columns because most built-in R functions work with vectors of values
  3. however, there are lots of useful and well-founded data structures that are not tidy data. An important example is the adjacency matrix to represent a network.

Tidy and messy data

Each dataset below shows the same values of four variables country, year, population, and cases, but each dataset organises the values in a different way.


## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   country      year  cases population
##   <chr>       <int>  <int>      <int>
## 1 Afghanistan  1999    745   19987071
## 2 Afghanistan  2000   2666   20595360
## 3 Brazil       1999  37737  172006362
## 4 Brazil       2000  80488  174504898
## 5 China        1999 212258 1272915272
## 6 China        2000 213766 1280428583
## # A tibble: 12 x 4
##    country      year type            count
##    <chr>       <int> <chr>           <int>
##  1 Afghanistan  1999 cases             745
##  2 Afghanistan  1999 population   19987071
##  3 Afghanistan  2000 cases            2666
##  4 Afghanistan  2000 population   20595360
##  5 Brazil       1999 cases           37737
##  6 Brazil       1999 population  172006362
##  7 Brazil       2000 cases           80488
##  8 Brazil       2000 population  174504898
##  9 China        1999 cases          212258
## 10 China        1999 population 1272915272
## 11 China        2000 cases          213766
## 12 China        2000 population 1280428583
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   country      year rate             
## * <chr>       <int> <chr>            
## 1 Afghanistan  1999 745/19987071     
## 2 Afghanistan  2000 2666/20595360    
## 3 Brazil       1999 37737/172006362  
## 4 Brazil       2000 80488/174504898  
## 5 China        1999 212258/1272915272
## 6 China        2000 213766/1280428583
# Spread across two tibbles
table4a  # cases
## # A tibble: 3 x 3
##   country     `1999` `2000`
## * <chr>        <int>  <int>
## 1 Afghanistan    745   2666
## 2 Brazil       37737  80488
## 3 China       212258 213766
table4b  # population
## # A tibble: 3 x 3
##   country         `1999`     `2000`
## * <chr>            <int>      <int>
## 1 Afghanistan   19987071   20595360
## 2 Brazil       172006362  174504898
## 3 China       1272915272 1280428583


Apply gathering when variables are in fact values and a single row gathers many observations

Gathering makes wide tables narrower and longer.


This is the case of table4a and table4b above, that we can gather as follows:

gather(table4a, `1999`, `2000`, key = "year", value = "cases")
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   country     year   cases
##   <chr>       <chr>  <int>
## 1 Afghanistan 1999     745
## 2 Brazil      1999   37737
## 3 China       1999  212258
## 4 Afghanistan 2000    2666
## 5 Brazil      2000   80488
## 6 China       2000  213766
# Development on gather() is complete, and for new code we recommend switching to pivot_longer() 
pivot_longer(table4a, c(`1999`, `2000`), names_to = "year", values_to = "cases")
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   country     year   cases
##   <chr>       <chr>  <int>
## 1 Afghanistan 1999     745
## 2 Afghanistan 2000    2666
## 3 Brazil      1999   37737
## 4 Brazil      2000   80488
## 5 China       1999  212258
## 6 China       2000  213766
gather(table4b, `1999`, `2000`, key = "year", value = "population")
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   country     year  population
##   <chr>       <chr>      <int>
## 1 Afghanistan 1999    19987071
## 2 Brazil      1999   172006362
## 3 China       1999  1272915272
## 4 Afghanistan 2000    20595360
## 5 Brazil      2000   174504898
## 6 China       2000  1280428583
# Development on gather() is complete, and for new code we recommend switching to pivot_longer() 
pivot_longer(table4b, c(`1999`, `2000`), names_to = "year", values_to = "population")
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   country     year  population
##   <chr>       <chr>      <int>
## 1 Afghanistan 1999    19987071
## 2 Afghanistan 2000    20595360
## 3 Brazil      1999   172006362
## 4 Brazil      2000   174504898
## 5 China       1999  1272915272
## 6 China       2000  1280428583

Finally, we can join the gathered tables to obtain the original tidy data frame stored in table1 above:


left_join(gather(table4a, `1999`, `2000`, key = "year", value = "cases"), 
          gather(table4b, `1999`, `2000`, key = "year", value = "population"))
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   country     year   cases population
##   <chr>       <chr>  <int>      <int>
## 1 Afghanistan 1999     745   19987071
## 2 Brazil      1999   37737  172006362
## 3 China       1999  212258 1272915272
## 4 Afghanistan 2000    2666   20595360
## 5 Brazil      2000   80488  174504898
## 6 China       2000  213766 1280428583


Apply spreading when values are in fact variables and a single observation is spread across many rows.

Spreading makes long tables shorter and wider.


This is the case of table2 above, that we can spread as follows:

## # A tibble: 12 x 4
##    country      year type            count
##    <chr>       <int> <chr>           <int>
##  1 Afghanistan  1999 cases             745
##  2 Afghanistan  1999 population   19987071
##  3 Afghanistan  2000 cases            2666
##  4 Afghanistan  2000 population   20595360
##  5 Brazil       1999 cases           37737
##  6 Brazil       1999 population  172006362
##  7 Brazil       2000 cases           80488
##  8 Brazil       2000 population  174504898
##  9 China        1999 cases          212258
## 10 China        1999 population 1272915272
## 11 China        2000 cases          213766
## 12 China        2000 population 1280428583
spread(table2, key = type, value = count)
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   country      year  cases population
##   <chr>       <int>  <int>      <int>
## 1 Afghanistan  1999    745   19987071
## 2 Afghanistan  2000   2666   20595360
## 3 Brazil       1999  37737  172006362
## 4 Brazil       2000  80488  174504898
## 5 China        1999 212258 1272915272
## 6 China        2000 213766 1280428583
# Development on spread() is complete, and for new code we recommend switching to pivot_wider()
pivot_wider(table2, names_from = type, values_from = count)
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   country      year  cases population
##   <chr>       <int>  <int>      <int>
## 1 Afghanistan  1999    745   19987071
## 2 Afghanistan  2000   2666   20595360
## 3 Brazil       1999  37737  172006362
## 4 Brazil       2000  80488  174504898
## 5 China        1999 212258 1272915272
## 6 China        2000 213766 1280428583


Apply separating when values are composite (not atomic): a column gathers many variables.


This is the case of table3 above, that we can separate as follows:

## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   country      year rate             
## * <chr>       <int> <chr>            
## 1 Afghanistan  1999 745/19987071     
## 2 Afghanistan  2000 2666/20595360    
## 3 Brazil       1999 37737/172006362  
## 4 Brazil       2000 80488/174504898  
## 5 China        1999 212258/1272915272
## 6 China        2000 213766/1280428583
separate(table3, rate, into = c("cases", "population"), 
         sep = "/", convert = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   country      year  cases population
##   <chr>       <int>  <int>      <int>
## 1 Afghanistan  1999    745   19987071
## 2 Afghanistan  2000   2666   20595360
## 3 Brazil       1999  37737  172006362
## 4 Brazil       2000  80488  174504898
## 5 China        1999 212258 1272915272
## 6 China        2000 213766 1280428583

You can also pass a vector of integers to sep. separate() will interpret the integers as positions to split at:

table5 = separate(table3, year, into = c("century", "year"), sep = 2)
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   country     century year  rate             
##   <chr>       <chr>   <chr> <chr>            
## 1 Afghanistan 19      99    745/19987071     
## 2 Afghanistan 20      00    2666/20595360    
## 3 Brazil      19      99    37737/172006362  
## 4 Brazil      20      00    80488/174504898  
## 5 China       19      99    212258/1272915272
## 6 China       20      00    213766/1280428583


Apply uniting when values are partial: a variable is spread across many columns.


This is the case of table5 below, that we can unite as follows:

## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   country     century year  rate             
##   <chr>       <chr>   <chr> <chr>            
## 1 Afghanistan 19      99    745/19987071     
## 2 Afghanistan 20      00    2666/20595360    
## 3 Brazil      19      99    37737/172006362  
## 4 Brazil      20      00    80488/174504898  
## 5 China       19      99    212258/1272915272
## 6 China       20      00    213766/1280428583
unite(table5, new, century, year, sep = "")
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   country     new   rate             
##   <chr>       <chr> <chr>            
## 1 Afghanistan 1999  745/19987071     
## 2 Afghanistan 2000  2666/20595360    
## 3 Brazil      1999  37737/172006362  
## 4 Brazil      2000  80488/174504898  
## 5 China       1999  212258/1272915272
## 6 China       2000  213766/1280428583

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