Jose A. Rodriguez of the University of Barcelona created a network of the individuals involved in the bombing of commuter trains in Madrid on March 11, 2004. Rodriguez used press accounts in the two major Spanish daily newspapers (El Pais and El Mundo) to reconstruct the terrorist network. The names included were of those people suspected of having participated and their relatives. Rodriguez specified 4 kinds of ties linking the individuals involved:

  1. Trust-friendship (contact, kinship, links in the telephone center).
  2. Ties to Al Qaeda and to Osama Bin Laden.
  3. Co-participation in training camps or wars.
  4. Co-participation in previous terrorist attacks (Sept 11, Casablanca).

These four were added together providing a “strength of connection” index that ranges from 1 to 4.

Some necessary preprocessing follows. Download the network (edges and weights; names of terrorists) and some auxiliary functions.

Read the network

# read edges
edges = matrix(scan("madrid-edges.dat", 0), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
# read names
names = scan("madrid-names.dat", "a")
# build graph
g = graph_from_edgelist(edges[,1:2], directed=FALSE)
# add weights
E(g)$weight = edges[,3]
# remove multi-edges
g = simplify(g)
E(g)$weight = E(g)$weight / 2
V(g)$names = names
# delete isolated nodes
g = delete_vertices(g, which(degree(g) == 0))
names = V(g)$names
# nodes are red
V(g)$color = "red"


coords = layout_with_fr(g)
plot(g, layout=coords, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)


Strength (weighted degree)

d = strength(g)
#d = degree(g)
names(d) = V(g)$names

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.000   2.750   6.000   8.812  12.000  43.000
hist(d, xlab="Degree", main="Histogram of node weighted degree centrality", breaks=seq(min(d), max(d), (max(d) - min(d))/10))

sort(d, decreasing=TRUE)[1:5]
##       Jamal Zougam Imad Eddin Barakat     Mohamed Chaoui 
##                 43                 35                 34 
##         Amer Azizi       Galeb Kalaje 
##                 27                 21
plot(g, layout=coords, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = (d / max(d)) * 10)


pr = page_rank(g)$vector
names(pr) = V(g)$names

##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.003515 0.006707 0.013920 0.015620 0.018550 0.059020
hist(pr, xlab="Pagerank", main="Histogram of node Pagerank centrality", breaks=seq(min(pr), max(pr), (max(pr) - min(pr))/10))

sort(pr, decreasing=TRUE)[1:5]
##       Jamal Zougam Imad Eddin Barakat     Mohamed Chaoui 
##         0.05902296         0.04910647         0.04741141 
##         Amer Azizi  Naima Oulad Akcha 
##         0.03721520         0.02943030
plot(g, layout=coords, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = (pr / max(pr)) * 10)

Current-flow betweenness

fb = cfb(as_adjacency_matrix(g, attr="weight", sparse=FALSE))
names(fb) = V(g)$names

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## 0.03125 0.04871 0.06304 0.08932 0.11120 0.28680
hist(fb, xlab="Flow betweenness", main="Histogram of node flow betweenness centrality", breaks=seq(min(fb), max(fb), (max(fb) - min(fb))/10))

sort(fb, decreasing=TRUE)[1:5]
##       Jamal Zougam    Semaan Gaby Eid     Mohamed Chaoui 
##          0.2868397          0.2686573          0.2476514 
## Imad Eddin Barakat  Naima Oulad Akcha 
##          0.2314457          0.2109809
plot(g, layout=coords, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = (fb / max(fb)) * 10)

Community detection

# This method is otimal and is computationally heavy
oc = cluster_optimal(g)
## [1] 0.4376855
plot(oc, g, layout=coords, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size=5)

# multi-level optimization of modularity (best among igraph implementations in terms of modularity in this particular case)
c = cluster_louvain(g)
modularity(c) / modularity(oc)
## [1] 0.9745163
plot(c, g, layout=coords, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size=5)

Network structure

# cohesion structure
b = cohesive_blocks(g)

# print hieararchy of blocks
## Cohesive block structure:
## B-1                   c  1, n 64
## '- B-2                c  2, n 49
##    '- B-5             c  4, n  5
##    '- B-6             c  4, n  5
##    '- B-7             c  3, n 33
##       '- B-9          c  4, n 26
##          '- B-10      c  5, n 24
##             '- B-12   c 10, n 11
##             '- B-13   c 10, n 11
##             '- B-14   c  8, n 10
##       '- B-11         c  4, n  5
##    '- B-8             c  3, n  9
## '- B-3                c  5, n  7
## '- B-4                c  2, n  3
# plot hieararchy of blocks with nodes labelled with block cohesion and size proportional to block size
s = sapply(blocks(b), FUN =length)
plot_hierarchy(b, vertex.label=cohesion(b), vertex.size=(s / max(s)) * 20 + 10) 

# graphs from blocks
bg = graphs_from_cohesive_blocks(b, g)

# plot some cohesive graphs
# c 10, n 11
h1 = bg[[12]]
plot(h1, layout=layout_with_fr(h1), vertex.size = 3, vertex.label=NA)

V(g)$color = "white"
n1 = blocks(b)[[12]]
V(g)[n1]$color = "red"
plot(g, layout=coords, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)

# c 10, n 11
h2 = bg[[13]]
plot(h2, layout=layout_with_fr(h2), vertex.size = 3, vertex.label=NA)

V(g)$color = "white"
n2 = blocks(b)[[13]]
V(g)[n2]$color = "blue"
plot(g, layout=coords, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)

# c 5, n 24
h3 = bg[[10]]
plot(h3, layout=layout_with_fr(h3), vertex.size = 3, vertex.label=NA)

V(g)$color = "white"
n3 = blocks(b)[[10]]
V(g)[n3]$color = "green"
plot(g, layout=coords, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)

# average distance (degree of separation)
## [1] 2.690972
# maximum distance (diameter)
## [1] 6
# highlight the diameter
d = get_diameter(g)
E(g)$color = "grey"
E(g)$width = 1
E(g, path=d)$color = "red"
E(g, path=d)$width = 2
V(g)$color  = "white"
V(g)[d]$color = "red"
plot(g, layout=coords, vertex.label = NA, vertex.size=5)

# histogram of distances
paths = distance_table(g)$res
names(paths) = 1:length(paths)
barplot(paths / sum(paths), xlab="Distance", ylab="Frequency")

# transitivity
## [1] 0.5610362
# resilience
size = vcount(g)/2
# random
rand = percolate(g, size, d = sample(V(g), size))    
# degree
deg = percolate(g, size, d = degree(g))    
# pagerank
pr = percolate(g, size, d=page_rank(g)$vector)    
# betweenness
bet = percolate(g, size, d = betweenness(g))    

plot(0:size, deg, type = "l", col=1, xlab="Number of removed nodes", ylab="Size of giant component")
lines(0:size, pr, col=2)
lines(0:size, bet, col=3)
lines(0:size, rand, col=4)
lines(0:size, rep(vcount(g)/2, size+1), lty=2)
legend(x = "bottomleft", legend = c("deg", "pr", "btw", "rand"), lty = 1, col = 1:4)