In this paper, we model fresh names in the $\pi$-calculus using \emph{abstractions} w.r.t. a new binding operator $\theta$. Both the theory and the metatheory of the $\pi$-calculus benefit from this simple extension. The operational semantics of this new calculus is \emph{finitely branching}. Bisimulation can be given without mentioning any constraint on names, thus allowing for a straightforward definition of a \emph{coalgebraic} semantics. This is cast within a category of coalgebras over algebras with infinitely many unary operators, in order to capitalize on $\theta$. Following previous work by Montanari and Pistore, we present also a \emph{finite} representation for \emph{finitary} processes and a finite state verification procedure for bisimilarity, based on the new notion of \emph{$\theta$-automaton}. Finally, we improve previous encodings of the $\pi$-calculus in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions.