\emph{Coiterative functions} can be explained categorically as \emph{final coalgebraic morphisms}, once coinductive types are viewed as final coalgebras. However, the coiteration schema which arises in this way is too rigid to accommodate directly many inte\-re\-sting classes of circular specifications. In this paper, building on the notion of \emph{$T$-coiteration} introduced by the third author and capitalizing on recent work on \emph{bialgebras} by Turi-Plotkin and Bartels, we introduce and illustrate various ge\-ne\-ra\-li\-zed coiteration patterns. First we show that, by choosing the appropriate monad $T$, $T$-coiteration captures naturally a wide range of coiteration schemata, such as the duals of \emph{primitive recursion} and \emph{course-of-value} iteration, and \emph{mutual} coiteration. Then we show that, in the more structured categorical setting of bialgebras, $T$-coiteration captures \emph{guarded} coiterations schemata, i.e. specifications where recursive calls appear guarded by predefined algebraic operations. \\ {\bf Keywords:} coinductive datatype, categorical semantics, coalgebra, bialgebra, coiteration schema, guarded specification.