Depth of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Udine

Luca Chittaro

Human Computer Interaction Lab

North East details

Map of North East of Italy

Less geographical detail

Udine is situated 113 m. above sea level at the foot of a hill dominated by the castle, on the wide plain of the Tagliamento river.
Despite its probable Roman origin, it was thought to be founded in 983 (document of Emperor Otto). The Patriarchs of Aquileia had their seat here after 1238 on. Often at war with Cividale and Venice, it was conquered by the latter in 1420 and shared its fortunes till the Napoleonic era (1797). After the Congress of Vienna it became a Hapsburg dominion until 1866 when, following the 3rd War of Independence, it was united with Italy.
An important junction for both road and rail communications (with links to former Yugoslavia and Austria), Udine is nowadays a busy centre for commercial activities and freight distribution. The industrial sector includes the steel industry, engineering, textiles, paper, food (breweries) and furniture.

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