Welcome to my academic homepage. I am an author, an independent
consultant, and a research fellow at
Computer Science Department of the
University of Udine. My primary area of
research is software engineering. The topics addressed here concern the
automated analysis of UML models, from the particular perspective of the
software architect. In particular, I am working on two main ideas: creating
a model-based verification framework and providing tools for both assessing
model quality and aid developers during the design stage.
Other research themes I am also interested in are Object-Oriented Design
techniques, Model-Driven Architecture (MDA), eXecutable UML, Design by Contract,
and model-based testing.
Apart from software engineering themes, I am also involved in another research
area, concerning artificial intelligence techniques for natural language
processing. Currently I am working on a research project in the area of digital
libraries focused specifically to Semantic Web and Web 2.0 as a new empowered
(collaborative) environment where to apply NLP algorithms. The main goal of this
project is to transform traditional digital libraries into semantic digital libraries.
More on these themes on my research page.