Updated material on B/BMV languages (August 31th, 2010)

by random_permutation_of( Agostino Dovier, Andrea Formisano, and Enrico Pontelli)

Domains in B

From Competitions
  1. Peg Solitaire and Instances from the 2009 Answer Set Competition.
  2. Sam Lloyd's 15 puzzle and Instances from the 2009 Answer Set Competition.
  3. Hanoi Tower and Instances from the 2009 Answer Set Competition.
  4. Hydraulic planning and Instances from the 2009 Answer Set Competition.
  5. Trucks from International Planning Competition IPC-5. (A larger set of Instances in PDDL, instances used for B, and instances used for BMV)
  6. Sokoban from ASP Competition 2011, where you can find details and several instances.
Other classical or new domains
  1. The classical 2N, N+1, N-1 barrel problem (generalization of the 12-7-5). Solutions with 2N-1 moves.
  2. The classical Tangram puzzle.
  3. A B encoding of the Reverse Folding Problem.
  4. An encoding of the Gas Diffusion Problem. Wrt the BMV encoding (below) we added a "scale" factor.
    With scale(16) it would be equivalent to the BMV version. But it run immediately out of memory.
    With scale(1) it works but it run 10 times slower than BMV (with numbers 16 times bigger). Here is the the set of instances tested.
  5. An absolutely useless encoding of a numerical extended version of the hydraulic problem.
  6. Other (simpler) domains are here.

Domains in BMV

All domains in B above can be mapped in BMV simply changing the declarations fluent(fname) into fluent(fname,0,1) and changing fname with fname eq 1 and neg(fname) with fname eq 0 in all static and dynamic rules. Instead we report below the encodings where the multivalued nature of the domains is exploited.
