
Udine team has been involved in the following topics.

 The participants of the unit contributed with three papers to the book G. Picci, M.E. Valcher, Eds. "A Tribute to Antonio Lepschy", Edizioni Libreria Progetto, Padova, 2007, pp. 19-29, in memory of Antonio "il Maestro".

Other activities


  1. F. Blanchini, F. A. Pellegrino,  "Relatively optimal control a piecewise affine solution", SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 585-603, 2007.

  2. F. Blanchini, S. Miani and C. Savorgnan,  "Stability results for linear parameter varying and switching systems", Automatica, pp. 1817-1823, October 2007.

  3. F. Blanchini, S. Miani, M. Tomasini, L. Tubiana, U. Viaro, M. Zigliotto,  "A minimum-time control strategy for torque tracking in permanent magnet ac motor drives", Automatica , Vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 505--512, 2007.

  4. F.Blanchini, P. Colaneri, F.A. Pellegrino, "Compensator blending: a new tool for multi--objective design", Automatica, January 2008, Vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 1-14, January 2004.

  5. F. Blanchini and C. Savorgnan,  "Stabilizability of switched linear systems does not imply the existence of convex Lyapunov functions", Automatica, April 2008, Vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1166—117, April 2008.

  6. F. Blanchini, S. Miani, F. A. Pellegrino and B. van Arkel,  "Enhancing controller performance for robot positioning in a constrained environment", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 16, n. 5, pp. 1066-1074, 2008. .

  7. F. Blanchini and S. Miani, "Set theoretic methods in control", Birkhauser, 2008.

  8. D. Bauso, F. Blanchini, R Pesenti, "Average flow constraints and stabilizability in uncertain production-distribution systems", Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference, New York, June 2007.

  9. Franco Blanchini, U. Viaro ``Switched control of fluid networks", The Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Special Issue on Switched Dynamical Systems, pp. 1-21. (2009).

  10. A. Abramo, F. Blanchini, L. Geretti and C. Savorgnan, "A Mixed Convex/Non--Convex Distributed Localization Approach for the Deployment of Indoor Positioning Services", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, vol. 7, Issue 11, pp. 1325-1337. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMC.2008.59.

  11. F. Blanchini, S. Miani and F. Mesquine, "A separation principle for linear switching systems and parametrization of all stabilizing controllers", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp. 279-292, February 2009.

  12. F. Blanchini, T. Parisini, F.A. Pellegrino, G. Pin, "High—Gain Adaptive Control: a derivative Based Approach”, Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on decision and Control, Cancun Dec. 2008, (conditionally accepted in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control).

  13. F. Blanchini and T. Hu, “Polyhedral functions, composite quadratic functions, and some equivalent conditions for stability/stabilization, Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on decision and Control, Cancun Dec. 2008.

  14. S. V. Rakovic, Franco Blanchini, E.Cruck, M. Morari, ``Robust Obstacle Avoidance for Constrained Linear Discrete Time Systems: A Set-theoretic Approach", Procecdings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Con- trol, New Orleans Dec. 2007, pp 188--193.

  15. D. Bauso, L. Giarré, R. Pesenti. Distributed Consensus in Noncooperative Inventory Games. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH; Volume 192, Issue 3, Pages 866-878, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2007.10.012, online since 2007, February 2009

  16. D. Bauso, L. Giarré, R. Pesenti. Consensus in Noncooperative Dynamic Games: a Multi-Retailer Inventory Application. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, vol. 53-4; p. 998-1003, ISSN: 0018-9286, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2008.919546, 2008.

  17. D. Bauso, L. Giarré, R. Pesenti. ``Lazy consensus for network with unknown but bounded noise'', IEEE CDC, New Orleans, December 12-14,2007, p. 2284-2290, ISBN/ISSN: I-4244-1498-9, 2007.

  18. D. Bauso, L. Giarrè, R. Pesenti. "Distributed consensus for switched networks with unknown but bounded noise", 3rd International workshop on: Networked Control Systems : Tolerant to faults, 2007.

  19. D. Bauso, L. Giarré, R. Pesenti, ``Consensus for networks with unknown but bounded disturbances'', accepted for publication on SIAM SICON, 2009, also: www.Arxiv.com, math.OC/0612834.

  20. B. Bamieh and L. Giarré ``On Discovering Low Order Models in Biochemical Reaction Kinetics'' IEEE American Control Conference, New York, 9-13 July 2007, p. 2702-2707, doi: 10.1109/ACC.2007.4283134, 2007.

  21. D. Bauso, L. Giarré, R. Pesenti. ``Distributed consensus for switched networks with unknown but bounded noise'', 3rd International workshop on :Networked Control Systems : Tolerant to faults}, 2007.

  22. P. Falugi, L. Giarrré, ``Set Membership Identification of nonlinear positive models for biological systems'' Accepted for publication on Systems and Control Letters}, 2009

  23. L. Giarré, Jaccheri L. ``Blogging as an educational tool: a three year experience'' Proceeding of the World IFAC Conference, p. 14630-14635, Seoul, Korea, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-1234-7890-2, 2008.

  24. P. Falugi, L. Giarré. ``Application of model quality evaluation to systems biology'', Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE ISCCSP, p. 135-141, ISBN/ISSN: 9781424416882, 2008.

  25. D. Bauso, L. Giarré, R. Pesenti. ``Challenging aspects in Consensus protocols for Networks'', Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE ISCCSP, p. 660-665, ISBN/ISSN: 9781424416882, 2008.

  26. D. Bauso, L. Giarré, R. Pesenti. ``Robust control of uncertain multi-inventory systems via Linear Matrix Inequality'',IFAC WORLD CONFERENCE, Seoul, Korea, p. 9027-9032, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-1234-7890-2, 2008.

  27. D. Bauso, L. Giarré, R. Pesenti. ``Noncooperative Dynamic games for Inventory Applications: a consensus approach '', IEEE CDC, p. 4819-4824, ISBN/ISSN: 78-1-4244-3124-3,2008.

  28. W. Krajewski, U. Viaro "Root-locus invariance", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 36-43, 2007

  29. W. Krajewski, U. Viaro On MIMO model reduction by the weighted equation-error approach Numerical Algorithms, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 83-98, 2007, ISSN: 1017-1398.

  30. F. Blanchini, S. Miani, U. Viaro "Robust design of standard controllers under plant parameters uncertainty" in G. Picci, M.E. Valcher, Eds. A Tribute to Antonio Lepschy Edizioni Libreria Progetto, Padova, 2007, pp.19-29

  31. U. Viaro, "Stability tests revisited" in G. Picci, M.E. Valcher, Eds. A Tribute to Antonio Lepschy Edizioni Libreria Progetto, Padova, 2007, pp. 189-199.

  32. A. Ferrante, W. Krajewski, and U. Viaro ``The iterative-interpolation approach to L2 model reduction", in G. Picci, M.E. Valcher, Eds. A Tribute to Antonio Lepschy Edizioni Libreria Progetto, Padova, pp. 93-103, 2007.

  33. W. Krajewski, S. Miani, A.C. Morassutti, and U. Viaro, ``Multicontroller design for continuous casting mold level control", in E. Kuljanic, Ed., Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, Udine, Italy, pp. 653-663, 2008.

  34. W. Krajewski and U. Viaro, ``Locating the equilibrium points of a predator-prey model by means of affine state feedback", Journal of The Franklin Institute, vol. 345, no. 5, pp. 489-498, 2008.

Photo 1: The experimental setup for [4].

Photo 2: The experimental setup for [6].

Photo 3: The experimental setup for [6].

Photo 4: The experimental setup for [20].

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